Wednesday 30 December 2015

Watching Mulan & Getting to Spend Hogmany in Edinburgh

So the Disney movie Mulan was released in 1998, I am nearly twenty one years of age and I have only just seen it. I genuinely wasn't sure if I would like it but it turned out that I really, really did and I might have already ordered my own copy on Amazon too.

So after our previous (pathetic) attempt at a Criminal Minds day, we still had a good few episodes left to watch. Laura and I decided to go ahead and have a second attempt at a Criminal Minds day. We did catch up on all the released Criminal Minds episodes which ended up being all the ones missing Dr Spencer Reid (Laura's fav), it definitely pained Laura to watch without him but at least those episodes are over with now. After we caught up, we decided to watch some Disney films. We ended up only watching one and I knew from the moment we decided to watch a Disney film that I was never, ever getting an option in the movie picking; it was going to be Mulan. Mulan is Laura's favourite and she's been nagging at me for well over a year to watch it and the moment finally arrived. I actually really enjoyed it, mostly because of Mushu the tiny dragon, I definitely need one of him in my life, especially when he is voiced by Eddie Murphy! When Eddie Murphy voices a character, you automatically know the character is going to be amazing and funny. and I probably would've watched the film sooner if I knew he was one of the main characters. To say that Laura was smug when I said I really liked the film is a complete understatement!

Tomorrow is the last day in 2015, I know, it's crazy! I didn't have anything planned for Hogmany, just staying in with the family and celebrating together. I did want to assist in providing First Aid cover at the street party in Edinburgh because I love being a First Aider, especially at massive events but my mum wasn't too keen. I have mentioned a couple of times how much I miss being a First Aider at T in the Park and how I have been jumping at the chances for anything similar, like Calvin Harris or other concerts. This street party would've been as close as I probably could have gotten until T in the Park 2016 and after a lot of convincing and promising to text every hour, my mum is finally okay with me going! I am so beyond excited, the atmosphere is going to be amazing and with a predicted crowd figure of over 100,000, I am bound to be kept busy, which is what I like the most.

I am over the moon to be attending Edinburgh's street party as a First Aider and cannot wait to bring the New Year in doing what I love most with some of the best people I know. My post tomorrow will probably be up a little earlier because I'll be in Edinburgh but there will definitely be one, I just can't be missing the very last day of blogging in December, not after blogging every single other day. Something tells me there will be a little bit of reminiscing in tomorrows post.

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