Saturday 26 December 2015

Shopping, Drama & The Cutest Advent Calendar

Normally when I plan to get up early and get things done it never happens, well today it did and to say today has been hectic is an understatement. I was up, ready and at the shopping centre by 09:30am to begin the Boxing Day sale shopping only to rush home ninety minutes later.

I did only have the intention to visit five shops anyways; Lush, New Look, Schuh, Waterstones and The Body Shop. Unfortunately I didn't have time to visit Waterstones but I didn't really mind because I'd already got plenty of good deals throughout the morning. I will be doing a complete separate post on everything I bought today but the majority of it is bath and body related since lush had a huge sale on. Lush shops on Boxing Day are a complete shambles, people everywhere, grabbing, pushing, all determined to get as much as they can whilst stocks last. Last year I got quite a lot of bath bombs to last me a couple of months because there wasn't as much of a sale as this year. This year there was loads, even a good few of the Christmas gift boxes, so it is safe to say that I definitely stocked up! The Body Shop was next. The only reason I ever go into Body Shop on Boxing Day is for their reduced Christmas range items with the Glazed Apple scent, it is heavenly. Virgin Mojito was also a scent that was new to me but that I was actually quite fond of, it wasn't part of the Christmas collection but it was still on sale (bonus).

Usually I spend over an hour browsing through the New Look sales but this year I really wasn't that bothered. We only actually went into New Look to see if my brother could find any reduced jumpers or tops. In the end I did have a quick browse and picked up two items. My mum was really surprised at me since I normally buy a lot more from New Look. The only other clothing item I purchased was from Schuh. I was originally looking to see if they had any all black converse on sale or any burgundy converse on sale but they didn't so I found a different pair of shoes instead. You'll have to wait until my Boxing Day Haul post to see what they look like but I absolutely love them!

Unfortunately, after only being shopping for just over an hour, my mum got a call from my aunt to say that my Nana was being rushed into hospital. The situation sounded a lot worse than it actually was at first so we all panicked. After some blood tests and scans, she will be having a two course treatment of liquid antibiotics to kill the infection that's in her blood. The day was super stressful because everybody was so worried about my Nana but now we are all just extremely relieved that everything is going to be okay and we are all home again. We did lose most of our day but I didn't mind at all because shopping was successful, my Nana is okay and getting better, EastEnders was on again tonight and we had left over Christmas dinner, what more could I want?

Once I got home and began putting away all the bath and body items, I realised that I haven't shown my completed Santa's Workshop Advent Calendar yet. It is AMAZING.

I really enjoyed opening this advent calendar each day, despite it being for children. It created the most adorable Christmas scene that I can use as a decoration next year when I have another one to create - I will most definitely be having another one next year. I'm looking forward to sharing what I bought today as well as what I got for Christmas this year with you all, those posts will be up really soon and I aim to impress with my savings.

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