Thursday 17 December 2015

Winter Essentials

When I watch YouTube video's about people's Autumn or Winter Essentials, I always think the same thing; you don't need a berry, red, burgundy or dark lip and you don't need to have your nails painted perfectly everyday in 'suitable' Autumn or Winter colours. During Autumn and especially Winter time, I'm lucky if I can be bothered to put foundation and powder on, dress in decent clothes and actually leave the house never mind painting my nails and making sure I have a seasonal lip colour on. Some of you will probably feel the same about some of my Winter must haves, but I can assure you there is no nail polish or lip sticks to be seen.

The first few things that I class as essentials (for me) are boots, flannel shirts, jumpers and cosy (yet sometimes outrageous) leggings. My leggings shown below are from Primark and keep me super warm, I don't tend to leave the house wearing them that often, only if I'm walking the dogs for a short while. 

Flannel shirts are a clothing item that becomes insanely popular through September-December but I wear them all year round anyways because I love them - I have pastel coloured flannels for Spring and Summer. They are just so easy to layer when it's cold and easy to throw on over a vest top when it's warmer, plus you can find them for reasonable prices pretty much anywhere. 

I live in Scotland, therefore rain occurs pretty much daily and it's always cold so jumpers and boots are 100% an essential for me. I have far too many jumpers to show but I get very cold very easily so most of my jumpers are a little baggy so I can layer them. I have been wearing these black boots with buckles that I got from New Look when they were on sale in Summer nearly every day. When it's dry and I'm not wearing the black boots, I normally wear my Timberland's which I can assure you I did not pay full price for!

The next things that I absolutely love during colder months are baths and candles, which do go together quite nicely. Sure moisturiser and lip balm are pretty important for your skin during colder months but they are pretty boring to talk about and I often forget to apply both of these to my body anyways. 

I will burn the occasional fresh scented candle throughout the year but when it gets colder, I go through so many candles. Primark do really good candles that are cheap and well scented so I do have quite a few from there burning around my house. There is always a candle in my bathroom for when I have a bath, they just add to the cosy, warm atmosphere. 

When I have a bath, my go to products are Lush which I know are a bit on the pricey side but they are 100% worth it in my opinion. I am a lazy person when it comes to moisturising and lush bath bombs clean you and moisturise you so they are a winner in my book, plus they smell and look amazing.

Once I get out the bath and put clean, cosy pyjamas on the first thing I want to do is have a cup of tea. If it's cold outside then hot drinks are always an good option, but since I am allergic to chocolate and sensitive to caffeine, I'm pretty limited in what I can have. It's just as well I really like different types of tea, so much so that my friend Sarah actually made me that cup cover, along with a cream coloured one not long after she had her little girl. 

Fairy lights aren't exactly essential but they are cute and make your room cosy, so I have a few sets of fairy lights turned on during winter.

With the fairy lights on, cup of tea made, the only thing to do is watch a favourite show or grab a book, there are just no better options. The first shows I would go to would be without a doubt Law and Order: SVU and Criminal Minds. Even though I have been LOVING Dance Moms at the moment, they are my ultimate obsessions and I could watch them all day, everyday. With books I do have an obscene amount, yet I always find myself reaching for Harry Potter around this time of year and I still haven't even read all the books in the series (shame on me). I will this time round she says for the hundredth time.

My last essential will definitely not apply to everybody but those of you who have house pets, whether that be dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits etc will understand. I have two dogs, the older one is a chocolate Labrador called Buttons and she is a lot more independent and will only snuggle with you every so often for a short period of time. Millie on the other hand, she is two and a half, extremely cute and very, very affectionate. She would lay with you all day, snuggled up all warm and cosy if she could. If she was given the option to go out and play or stay on the couch nestled beside me, the outdoors wouldn't get a look in. I spend the majority of my days and nights with her curled up beside me or at my feet or just simply sprawled out on top of me or my bed and I absolutely love it. In Winter I have more time to spend at home since I am not at uni and that just means more time with Millie. I do love taking the dogs out for walks in the crisp weather but that is now where near on the same level as all the cuddles.

 So these are my Winter Essentials, sorry the post was up later than expected, I've had a busy day and editing all these photos got me a little frustrated so I needed a break before I continued with the post. Nonetheless I hope you enjoyed this post and agreed with what I think are Winter Essentials, well for me anyways. Today in my advent calendar I got another little elf which is currently sitting in Santa's sleigh proudly until the 24th when I will get him. Thanks for reading my seventeenth Blogmas post, come back tomorrow for another one that will be written after I've had a lush bath, whilst wearing cosy leggings and drinking a cup of tea with Millie sleeping beside me.

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