Monday 21 December 2015

I Finished all the Wrapping!

I've finally finished every single bit of Christmas wrapping. I started off with wrapping all the distant family gifts for cousins etc, which were mainly aftershave or bath products or David Beckham gift sets. I then moved onto the gifts for my Nana and then finally onto the gifts I've got for my mum, dad and brother.

I probably purchased the most gifts for my mum because she is the easiest to buy for. I always get her a book and she loves the author Cathy Glass and she had a new book out, so that was sorted pretty quick. My mum has a Samsung tablet with a cover that is covered in tape because it is so old and tatty, it was definitely time for a new one so I picked up a mint green one for her. The next present(s) are the main gift really because they make up an outfit. Firstly a little pair of tan moccasin shoes from New Look, secondly, a black and white striped midi-skirt also from New Look, and lastly, a mustard coloured jumper which is quite light-weight so it can be layered if she wanted to. Recently my mum has become more trusting in my fashion advice and become more adventurous with her clothing. This time last year she would never wear a skirt or the colour mustard but now she loves the colour and has a few skirts that she really likes. There are a couple of more things for my mum, including the Ferrero Roche's and the Foot Pedi, but they are from my dad, brother and me.

My dad has been wearing the same navy blue jogging bottoms for at least six years! They are so old, worn, discoloured and pretty much useless now that I decided it was time to invest in a new pair. I got him grey ones from Primark and my mum bought him the same pair in navy. The second thing I got for my him is the new Kevin Bridges DVD because this time last year I bought him tickets to see the show, so this year, having been to the show and loved it, I bought him the DVD of it. The Chase is an amazing game show that my dad is OBSESSED with, so what's a better gift than The Chase Playing Cards that we can play on Christmas Day? It is a little bit of a joke present but he will love it and get really competitive just like me, we will appear on a game show one day, that is a definite goal.

My brother and I agreed that we weren't spending much money on each other for Christmas this year because he is eighteen in a month and I'm twenty one in six months time. Nevertheless, I got him Southpaw on DVD because he loved it when he went to the cinema to see it and I also got him the BFG on DVD because he used to absolutely adore it when he was younger and not going to lie, I did catch him singing the songs the other day so I thought it would be a nice, sentimental gift.

I have also bought some Lush products to put into stockings for my brother and mum but they are all due to arrive tomorrow when I have a hundred things to do, typical. Now that all the presents are wrapped and everything is organised, I am even more excited for Friday, even though this month has gone in crazy quick! I mean it's three more days and then Christmas! I only have three more boxes left in my advent calendar which is pretty sad because of how adorable it is, I mean today I got a tiny guitar and a wrapped present. A tiny guitar, that's adorable. If you have been reading my Blogmas posts each day, Thank you! I am actually quite surprised how well I've done with posting every day, only a few days left. Or, I might just continue posting the rest of December, you'll just need to wait and see.

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