Wednesday 2 December 2015

My Current Winter Favourites

October, November and December are my favourite months of the year. I hate the cold but I love Autumn and Winter months, as long as I have a good number of layers on that is! October and November had me attending quite a number of events, four of which I am including in my favourites. Firstly, at the end of October with my fellow St Andrew's volunteers, I attended a two day conference. Now a conference doesn't sound fun at all but when most of the people there are great friends and there is a three course meal and a ceilidh at night, it instantly becomes a whole lot better. I didn't actually get any pictures from this night because there was far to much social dancing to be had but it was an amazing couple of days and I got to spend it with some of the best people.

The second event is also another St Andrew's event - the St Andrew's First Aid Awards. I absolutely love this event because it allows my fellow volunteers to be rewarded and recognized for their contributions and sometimes even their heroics. Each year this event makes me increasingly prouder to be a volunteer with the company. This year everyone looked absolutely stunning, everybody had a great time and a pizza was even ordered at 3.30am!

The third and fourth events are actually musicals. I have never really been that interested in musicals and only liked a couple when I was younger. That was, until two of my favourite films were made into musicals. My mum and I attended Legally Blonde at the Kings Theatre in Glasgow at the end of October and then Sister Act at a more local theatre during the first week in November. Both productions were incredible and both my mum and I absolutely loved them. I would definitely see both of these shows again without any hesitation! The next musicals to tick off the list are definitely Matilda, Shrek and Elf - even if it is just me watching them on DVD or YouTube!

The last couple of favourites of mine are a little random. The first is poncho's. These used to be so fashionable when I was about 8 or 9 years old and I loved them, I still love them which is a good thing because they are back in fashion. For someone who is always cold, this is the best thing ever because you can layer as many clothes as you want with a poncho. I have three for the moment - a grey one, a cream & aztec one and a fawn coloured one - so I think I am covered for this winter at least. I have also been absolutely loving baths lately. Using a lush bath bomb and relaxing in a nice hot bath after a long day has been a definite lifesaver, especially when it is now so cold outside. Whilst in the bath, what better to do than watch some episodes of a favourite show? I have recently discovered a new show - Dance Moms. It is AMAZING. If you have a guilty pleasure for reality TV or for shows like Toddlers and Tiaras then you will absolutely love it but be warned because it is extremely addicting. Another show I have been watching even more than usual recently (if that's even possible) is Law and Order SVU. I really didn't think I could watch it any more than I usually do but somehow it's happened and I've managed to finally convince my friend Laura to watch it too (bonus!).

My last favourite is one of (in my opinion) the best YouTubers - The SacconeJoly's. I love this family and I genuinely feel like I know them and have done for years. Everyday I watch them and everyday they add a little bit more happiness to my day. Being able to watch Emilia and Eduardo grow up and learn new things every day is incredible and makes me want kids even more.

So that's what I've been loving recently, thanks for reading. Before I forget, today in my advent calendar I got a little shelf, a stack of books, a little doll and a football to put on the shelves! Come back tomorrow for day 3 of blogmas!

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