Sunday 6 December 2015

Disney and Doughnuts

I have a lot of work to get through this week for university and then on Friday I am finished for Christmas. Next weekend literally cannot come quick enough. The thought of the amount of time I will be spending reading psychological statistics and data this week is extremely off putting so I figured one last day to myself before I knuckle down was acceptable, so my mum and I went shopping.

The three main shops I wanted to go in were Primark, Superdrug and HMV. In Primark I didn't get much, only a hat, some cosy tights and some gloves. My mum on the other hand went a little crazy and got two pairs of boots, two cardigans, a Christmas cardigan, a Christmas jumper and slippers for my brother, jewellery for some friends and a flannel shirt! I did pick up a few things from Superdrug (*hint hint* Zoella) but they are going to be kept back as Christmas gifts so you'll just need to wait and see what I got! HMV was where I went a little crazy, along with some Christmas gifts for my dad, I got a couple (haha!) of Disney DVD's that I haven't already got.

Surprisingly these are six classic Disney films that I love but didn't actually own and I had vouchers given to me by a family member to spend so I couldn't help myself. I already had Lady and the Tramp 2, Cinderella 2 and 101 Dalmatians 2 so it made sense to get the originals. I used to love Pinocchio, Tarzan and The Jungle Book when I was younger but haven't seen them in years. I sense a Disney marathon occurring once I have finished all my uni work! After going a little Disney crazy, my mum wanted to go into M&S to pick up a few things for my nana for Christmas. I may have accidentally found myself wandering the Christmas section and found the pillow I have been looking for. It's quite small and was quite pricey (£12) which is not what I would normally pay for a small pillow (Primark or Tesco will do me) but it is perfect and has a little fawn on it, it's not directly Christmasy but it works with the rest of my decor. After a long day of shopping, the best thing to do is definitely to go and pay the brand new Krispy Kreme that has just been opened a visit and get a free doughnut whilst waiting in the queue. My brother went a couple days ago and the 24 doughnuts that he brought home barely lasted a week, they were so good! We decided that one more box this year would be okay and in future they would be an occasional treat because of how unhealthy (delicious) they are. We got 12 doughnuts and drove home listening to Christmas songs, had dinner and had a cup of tea and a doughnut of course.

As I finish of this post, I am sat on my bed with a mulled wine candle lit, Christmas jammies on, cup of tea in hand and Pinocchio playing in the background. I am in absolute bliss, until I wake up tomorrow and have to start on the mountain of work that is. Today in my advent calendar I got a little reindeer! Tomorrow's box looks really big so I'm really intrigued to see what it is. I am actually quite surprised at how well I am doing for Blogmas so far, I am really enjoying it and definitely think I'll complete the whole of Blogmas. Thanks for reading my 6th Blogmas post and I hope you come back tomorrow for day 7!     xxx

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