Tuesday 22 December 2015

Gift Giving and Watching The Grinch

Tonight was the last First Aid Cadet evening until next year. We decided to finish with a relaxed night of Christmas jumpers, Christmas films and a small Christmas gift each. Each cadet received a little Malteaser Mini Reindeer Box (containing seven chocolate reindeer), wrapped in very cute paper and finished off with a little Gingerbread man decoration that they can keep and put on their Christmas tree at home. They each got a Christmas card and candy cane as well, I had everything laid out waiting for them to arrive.

Unfortunately, not all of them turned up because some weren't feeling well. The ones who did turn up had a good time eating the chocolate and candy canes. It took them forever to pick a Christmas film from the selection I brought with me though. Eventually they settled on The Grinch. I was hoping they would pick Jack Frost because I haven't watched it this year yet but I knew The Grinch would be the one because a certain one of our cadets is extremely fond of The Grinch and watches the film A LOT. The Grinch was actually one of the Christmas films I wasn't intending to watch this Christmas but I'm glad I did watch it, I actually forgot how sweet the film actually is.

As I am writing this post, I am watching Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. I love the Home Alone series but I think I like this one the best, purely because I love New York so much and cannot wait to go back again in three years time. Being completely honest, I certainly wouldn't mind getting lost in New York or ending up in New York by mistake! Watching as Kevin (the main character) runs through Central Park brings back memories of my brother and I trying to find the set of rocks used to film the scene when Kevin gets his foot stuck, actually finding them and then us pretending to be stuck whilst my mum took a picture. We got a good few strange looks doing that but the picture was worth it. Watching these films also brings back memories of setting little 'traps' all around our house after we first watched the films. My mum definitely wasn't a fan of us for a good week or so!

I have decided that I will not only finish Blogmas, but will continue to blog the rest of December as well. I'll most likely have more interesting things to post after Christmas anyways. The only thing that will be different is that there will be no advent calendar to give regular updates on, especially when they are as adorable as today - little zoo animals in a little basket. Today's advent gift has definitely been my favourite so far, it is just too cute. Tomorrow it's the dreaded Christmas dinner shop, Tesco is going to be crazier than ever but it'll be an experience to say the least! You guys will be updated on all the craziness tomorrow.

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