Wednesday 16 December 2015

Criminal Minds Fail and Exchanging Gifts

A build up of six or seven Criminal Minds episodes is a good place to start for a Criminal Minds Day. Well unless you sleep in until 16.35pm that is, which is exactly what I did. The plan was to start the Criminal Minds session at around three and catch up with all the episodes, exchange gifts and watch How to Get Away With Murder but I didn't wake up, it was a complete fail. I woke up to about five messages from Laura. My favourite was "You better not still be asleep in bed", am I that predictable? Nonetheless the night ended up pretty good.

I can always count on Laura for a pretty book and this year I got two! She already has the Harry Potter Illustrated Edition and a good half an hour was spent in awe over how pretty it is, so she got me one for Christmas too and I love it. As you know from my blog post about Christmas films, The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus is one of my all-time favourites. I knew it was based on a book written by the same author of The Wizard of OZ but I had never really thought to actually buy it but wow this version is very adorable and extremely Christmasy. By the looks of it, the film adaptation is pretty much the same so when I read the book, it is going to be just as cute as the film. This will be one to read to my future kids everey Christmas I think. So that's another two pretty books to add to my growing collection and I love them both!

When we eventually got organised and started watching Criminal Minds, it was about five o'clock so we had a lot to watch. In the end we only watched three episodes and then one of How to Get Away With Murder but we did reach the most important episode... JJ's return. I have been waiting for this episode for a painful length of time. I was even watching loads of old episodes with JJ in them to compensate not having her. It was definitely worth the wait though. I love how her on-screen sons are her actual sons because all the family photos used on the show are 100% genuine and make my heart melt every time.

We never managed to catch up with Criminal Minds but at least we finally watched JJ's return which makes sleeping most of the day away okay. Well I did tidy my room, get ready, wrap a bunch of presents and fix my make up in an hour when normally I'd take all day to do that so that counts for something too! Since Laura was over, we both opened my advent calendar and honestly, neither of us had any clue what the little figures were. We made out a little backpack and that was about it! I loved my Christmas gifts from her as I always do and I hope she liked mine. This was the first time we both gave each other something Harry Potter related, it was weird, but definitely good cause the book is so damn pretty. 

We still have a good four or five episodes of Criminal Minds to watch but since we are both finished uni for Christmas that'll be done in no time, right now I think our main priority is How to Get Away With Murder, that show is just getting too intense! I have nothing planned for tomorrow, just a few errands, so I think I will upload my Winter Essentials instead, I hope you like them.

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