Sunday 27 December 2015

What I got for Christmas 2015

Christmas this year was good. There was family time, lots of food, presents and we even played a few boardgames too! I am extremely thankful for everything I received this year for Christmas from friends and family, I love everything they got me and I think they loved everything I got them as well.

It was hard to get the perfect picture of everything I got for Christmas but eventually, after a good while, I managed it. I knew about a couple of the gifts I was getting but my mum definitely surprised me with a few gifts as well. My mum completely surprised me with Shrek: The Musical on DVD, another pair of Cheryl heels, a microwavable toy pug (so so adorable!) and the Tanya Burr products. I was so surprised she managed to get the Tanya products because I couldn't find them in any shops when I looked, I guess we got a bit of luck.

From my Nana, I received a mermaid print shirt from Zara and rose gold shoes from Ted Baker. These items are absolutely beautiful and definitely my taste, my Nana knows me well, as does my mum since she bought the Winter version of Cheryl's perfume; Storm Flower Noir. I had only mentioned Tyler Oakley once to her whilst I showed her the Disney challenge between him and Zoella but she must've really listened since she picked up his book for me which I have been wanting to read. I was really surprised my mum got me any books at all since she is always complaining that I have far too many, yet she got me Wake, a book about mermaids that I added to the Amazon Wishlist a couple of months ago too. The last few things she got me included the Real Technique Sponge, a pug tea diffuser, the deer shawl from Lush and the new Demi Lovato album which I did know I was getting because I pre-ordered it months before it was due for release, I'm just a little bit of a fan.

Pretty Little Liars is one of my favourite shows and my brother bought the fourth season for me along with one of my favourite true movies called Perfect Body, it's about a gymnast who develops an eating disorder. My brother also got me some Jelly Belly sweets in all the best flavours which I'm sure won't last much longer.

There was some Zoella products in my stocking! I got the body scrub, the Let's Spritz body mist and the Blissful Mistful solid perfume. There was also Tanya Burr Lashes, Mini Real Technique Brushes and some No:7 products. The No:7 products included an eye brush, a cream eye shadow in the colour Glistening Ray, a cream Instant Radiance Highlight and a Pop & Glow Cream Blush. I cannot wait to try out all of these products because they all look amazing. Gingerbread House was the one thing from the Tanya Burr Christmas Collection I really wanted to get my hands on. It is just so me but I couldn't find it anywhere and it sold out online almost immediately. The same occurred with the Candy Glam Beauty Essentials Palette but my mum managed to get both! The names of the eye-shadows in the palette are adorable, names like snowflake, ballet slippers, chandelier and baking brownies. They are all colours I would wear and the lip gloss is a perfect shade for my very pale skin colour. My mum did very very well with her detective skills and choices with all the make up.

What is Christmas without a couple of pairs of fluffy socks? I got the softest pairs in a gorgeous turquoise blue and white from my Aunt along with some fudge (currently eating) and a bracelet which I gave to my mum because she liked it better. As you have probably noticed, I have a thing for pugs, my mum has noticed this too and although she doesn't see the appeal in pugs but she still bought me fluffy socks with cute pugs on them. More pug items to add to the growing collection, maybe one day I'll get a real pug.

There are two last gifts that didn't arrive in time for Christmas that will hopefully be here soon. A black Parka from New Look and All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. I have been wanting a black Parka for a long time, I have a Khaki coloured one but I feel like I would wear a black one a lot more and All the Bright Places is a book that everybody has been raving about so I've been dying to read it and now I finally can.

I am extremely grateful and thankful for all the gifts and money I received on Christmas Day, I was absolutely spoiled. I love every single one of my gifts and I will for sure use them all constantly. My family loved all the gifts from me as well which is a huge relief. My dad especially loved his Knight Rider seasons, he has been watching them non-stop since Christmas Day! I'm really glad my family all felt special, appreciated and we got to spend time together on Christmas since it doesn't happen often. I really want there are more times like that next year and not just on special occasions.

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