Sunday 13 December 2015

Getting the Dogs Ready for Christmas

Once I had finished decorating my room yesterday, I had to put all the empty boxes back up the loft - there is always tiding to do. Whilst I was up there I had a good rummage around to see if there was anything from past Christmases that would be good or funny to write about. A couple of things did bring back memories and funny moments but I'll save that for another day.

Whilst I was up there, I found the dogs advent calendars that we'd bought for them and had been looking everywhere for! I also found the two little jumpers that we had also bought for them. I know a lot of people had clothing on dogs but this is purely to keep them warm, I mean today it dropped to -4, I think the jumpers were necessary. At first I thought Buttons (my oldest dog and a brown Labrador) would be the one to make all the fuss about wearing a jumper since she fusses about everything on her, even her collar but when I put the jumper on her she was fine. It looked like she even liked having it on. Millie on the other hand, took a little while getting used to the jumper and I thought she would be the one to fuss the least since she is a very clumsy and daft dog (my youngest dog, a black Labrador).

They both looked really cute and the jumpers did keep them warmer, at least until the heating kicked in. I definitely think if Millie had a larger size that was a little bit of a better fit for her she would have liked it a whole lot better, so she could be getting a new one if she really doesn't like this one. It took my dad a while to warm up to the idea of our dogs wearing jumpers but he eventually came round when Millie's fur was cold when he stroked her. It is my brother that is still warming up to the idea now.

The dogs now have their jumpers and advent calendars after we looked for them everywhere, they also already have doggy stockings, new fluffy beds and red blankets. They are all set for Christmas just like me, and yes, I am one of those people who gets their dogs a new toy for their Christmas, they've got to get a wee present too! Speaking of which I got a little angel in my advent calendar today and it's 12 days until Christmas!

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