Wednesday 23 December 2015

Christmas Over the Years

We managed to get everything we need for Christmas dinner and it's also Christmas Eve Eve! There is no better way to spend Christmas Eve Eve and Christmas Eve than to watch countless Christmas films. By the time we got back from Tesco's and Morrison's, it was already about 2pm so most of the day had gone but I still managed to watch a few Christmas films and a documentary about penguins. I watched Jingle All The Way, The Santa Clause and Elf. Each film brought back memories, especially Jingle All The Way and The Santa Clause as we used to watch them as a family every single year when I was young.

I have a really good memory which means I have a lot of Christmas memories. From playing Angel Gabriel in the Nativity way back in primary school to waiting up as late as possible for Santa and having some presents that were taller than me at the time.

I loved playing Angel Gabriel, I felt really special and included for once. Although my tinsel gave me a rash and my wings appeared to be on upside down, I still loved every single moment of rehearsal's and the final performance. I have some great memories from Christmas but also some weird ones as well. For example, my brothers first Christmas, my parents had bought me a present from him and I was absolutely beyond terrified to open it. I have no idea why I was so scared but I refused to open it all day, I was convinced he was trying to hurt me despite only being eleven months old. My mum tried to convince me to open it so many times during the day but I refused and in the end she had to open the present, it was only a Donald Duck stuffed toy. 

Another year I received a baby doll with a pram, cot and high chair. I was immediately obsessed - baby came first no matter what. I couldn't eat before she did and I wasn't allowed to go to sleep until she'd had a bath and been read a story. The blue stuffed toy that I'm holding in the picture below was actually a present for my brother. Still to this day I have no idea what it is but at the time I couldn't put it down all day, I think it's stomach vibrated or something like that.

Another year, I got so many dress up outfits that I was barely in the same thing for more than an hour! My favourite memory though has got to be the year I received a lot of Teletubby merchandise. There was an indoor house, a table and chairs, beanie baby Teletubbies and Teletubby leggings (my mother had a great fashion sense). I didn't come out of that Teletubby house for days! I ate, slept and even watched TV from that thing - wearing my leggings of course. 

An umbrella is something that a child would normally be unhappy with on Christmas, often preferring a doll or action figure or a teddy bear. Not me though and certainly not if the umbrella was a Teletubby one. After my mum eventually convinced me to sleep in my bed and not the house, I would climb out after she'd left the room, get all my Teletubby beanies, umbrella and sometimes other teddies as well and then I'd surround myself with them all and put the umbrella up over us. I did this every single night for weeks! I'm quite sad that I don't have any of the Teletubby toys from when I was younger, not even the beanie babies because I would've loved to have kept them for my kids, like I have done with some of my other old toys.

Looking back on pictures like these makes me incredibly nostalgic. I cannot wait to experience all the good things about Christmas with my kids in the future. We will have all our little traditions like watching the Polar Express and The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, getting new pyjamas to watch them in and playing boardgames on Christmas Day.  They will have a fun advent calendar to share and chocolate one each, that way they will get little toys each day too and build up a scene. Like a small toy car which was in mine today, one more day and the workshop scene will be complete! I am very excited that tomorrow is Christmas Eve, I have a pile of Christmas films to work my way through, Pringles to eat and lots of cups of tea to drink. I hope you guys all relax and do the same!

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