Tuesday 8 December 2015

Gingerbread House Masterpieces

Today has been such an assignment focused day since my last assignment for university is due at midday tomorrow. Despite this, I still did my nana's shopping and went to first aid cadets. Whilst I was wandering around Morrison's I was trying to figure out something fun and festive for the cadets to do since they have been working so hard at learning all the first aid that we teach them. I ended up picking up two gingerbread house making kits from Morrison's and figured I could split them into two teams since there are only six of them and they could make one each. As soon as I showed them the kits later that evening, they instantly got to work. Fast forward 90 minutes and this is what we ended up with.

The detail they put into the little houses was amazing. They had the initiative to use kitchen utensils to get the icing exactly where they wanted, to use mini marshmallows as snow and one group even used a mini milky way as an outdoor bench for their little house! Once one of the teams discovered there was still a packet of mini gingerbread men left that was it, they went full out. Little men putting up lights on the roof, men sitting on the benches and even one sleeping on a little marshmallow bed inside! All of that apparently wasn't enough yet and a Christmas tree and a reindeer were drawn and coloured in to add to the scene. The little houses look great and the kids even cleaned up all the mess they made (that's a first!) They are all really getting into the festive spirit now and can't wait for school to be over and Christmas to come, one of them has already watched Elf three times because she is that excited. I'm getting more excited by the day and once I've finished my assignment and mini exam on Friday I can finally relax and really get into the Christmas spirit!

For tonight though, Redbull is my friend so I can (hopefully) finish this essay but tomorrow I plan to completely finish decorating my room - so it will be extremely festive - and have a lush bath before I start studying for Friday's mini exam (which is going to be hell). Today's advent surprise was small but very cute, I got a little bucket of carrots and hay for the reindeer to have a little munch on. I am really getting into Blogmas and can't wait to post again tomorrow. For now though, it's back to work on the essay (with the Christmas music playing in the background of course!)

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