Saturday 12 December 2015

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas

Today I had a super long lie in and it was great, I think it was the thought of cleaning my room that kept me in bed if I'm honest but now I finally have free time again! Now that I am finished uni for Christmas, the first thing I wanted to do was finish decorating. All the lights for outside the house went up, we put little Santa outside the door and added some finishing touches in the living and dining room. I think it looks great, although I am tempted to move some of the decorations that are on the main Christmas tree in the living room - they are just not in the right place! The little Christmas Sweet Shop is nearly eighteen years old! Quite a few of our decorations are from when my brother and I were little but they look great and are really cute and festive so they kept put out every year.

Once the main house decorations were finished, it was time to clean my room and finish decorating it for Christmas. It didn't actually take me too long to clean it which surprised my mum and since I already had the Christmas bedding on, I didn't have to do much more. I added the Christmas teddy's and the advent bunting I bought last year and it looked really good but not great so I untangled the LED fairy lights I bought from Primark and added them around the advent bunting. Now it looked great. My bedroom window needed a little something extra and these bells have been put on my window for a countless number of years, they have been replaced a couple of times but I always seem to pick the bells. Finally we come to my mini Christmas tree! I love decorating my tree because I can put as many decorations on it as I want and they will all be in the right places. I did go to town on the tree decorations but I think it looks really really good! A few more fairy lights here and there, a couple candles and some cinnamon scented pine cones placed and my room was complete. Sitting in it with the fairy lights on, a cup of tea in hand and the smell of cinnamon slowly filling the room is absolute bliss and makes me feel very festive.

Since we are twelve days into advent, I thought I would show you a proper update of my (incredibly cute) advent calendar. I forgot to mention before but the calendar did come with a backdrop scene which I finally assembled and placed on my chest of drawers today. I added all the little bits and bobs I've received over the past eleven days (today I got a miniature card game) and I can't wait until it is completely finished and because it is a proper Christmas scene, I can bring it out next year as a fun decorative piece for my room. 

I hope you are all getting into the Christmas spirit as much as I am! I'm slowly going to be making my way through all the best Christmas films now as well, starting tomorrow evening. Tomorrow I am going to be attempting to make some Christmas treats I think, so come back and see how I get on!

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