Thursday 24 December 2015

T'was the Night Before Christmas

I hope everybody has had a great Christmas Eve because I certainly have. There was a fair bit of tidying up to do around my house before we all relaxed and my parents did have to attend a funeral which was unfortunate and lowered their spirits but once the Christmas versions of TV shows came on and we started watching Christmas films, everyone's mood improved. 

Whilst my parents were at the funeral I watched Bride Wars, which I know isn't festive in the slightest but it is still a really good film and it was on TV anyways. Once they returned, the cleaning began. I tidied and hoovered my room, brought all the Christmas gifts downstairs ready to be placed under the tree and had a relaxing lush bath with a Butter Bear and a little bit of Snow Fairy for amazing smelling bubbles. 

After dinner, we settled to watch EastEnders (another festive choice from me) until my dad left - he was DJing at a local bar and wasn't really interested in watching Christmas films anyways. As soon as he left, The Polar Express was put on. It is a little tradition for my mum, brother and I to watch the Polar Express every single Christmas Eve since we seen it in the cinema on a snowy Christmas Eve back in 2004 and we still love it. This will be another little tradition I will carry on with my children. Jack Frost was the next Christmas film my mum and I watched, by this point my brother had had enough 'family time' and went back to his room again. Nevertheless, Jack Frost is one of my favourite Christmas films and I don't think I even watched it last year! It surprises me how many people haven't actually seen the film, it's about a boy who's dad dies close to Christmas but comes back as a snowman a year later and tries to fix all the problems they had between them before it's too late and his son grows up. It is such a great film, my description certainly does not do it justice.

After I've finished writing this post, I am going to settle down in bed with a nice, hot cup of tea and watch my favourite festive film - The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. I will continue to rave about this film until I find somebody else who loves it too! That is a promise. I have watched this each year for as long as I can remember and always by myself since nobody else in my family likes the film but I prefer it that way anyways, just means there is no talking or loud, noisy eaters. Plus this year I received the prettiest book version of it so now I can start reading it every year as well as watching it.

Tomorrow is actually going to be quite a hectic day for my family as we have so many people to visit at so many certain times as well as actually spending time together just the four of us. I am determined to play a couple of boardgames at some point during the day, it is my mission, as well as trying to keep all arguing to a minimum. I just can't wait to see the look on my families face when they open their gifts, that is what I am most looking forward too for sure, especially my mums. I hope you guys all have a family orientated, happy and fantastic Christmas tomorrow! I'd love to read all about other people's Christmas as well as posting about my own! I hope Santa is good to you all!

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