Friday 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope your day was as joyous, family-orientated and relaxed as Christmas can possibly be. My day was a little stressful to begin with because everybody was super tired since we all had to get up before 8am for everything to get done, then my Nana's infection was getting a lot worse, resulting in us missing out on seeing some family members until everything was sorted. This took a lot longer than we all thought. I went over to my Nana's at around 10:45am and didn't get home until about 4pm. We didn't get to have Christmas dinner until 7pm when we originally planned it for 3pm in the afternoon. My dad, brother and I were exhausted and ended up falling asleep for a couple of hours just after we got in at 4pm which was 100% needed.

We did get to open all of our presents in the morning before all the drama began, which was great. Everybody loved all of their presents, especially my mum because she had no clue whatsoever as to what she was getting. I have actually got her tickets to see Annie in April so I might surprise her with them on New Year instead. My dad has already started watching his main present from my mum, brother and I - Knight Rider: The Complete Four Season Boxset. It was one of those shows I grew up watching because he was extremely fond of it. Knight Rider and The 6 Million Dollar Man were his two favourites and now he has them both and can watch them any time he wants.

Christmas dinner was really good even though I don't actually like turkey. My mum had bought everything you could think of for the perfect Christmas dinner, I was most looking forward to the Yorkshire puddings and the ham and wasn't that bothered about anything else if i'm perfectly honest. There was an incredible amount of food so I think it's pretty accurate to say that there's going to be a few days of leftovers for us. The table was set up nicely with browns, reds and golds. We had a centre piece as well and I loved it, it was really pretty and festive but not too over the top. A few fake candles here and there, a dim of the lights and the perfect cosy atmosphere is created.

After dinner, I genuinely managed to convince my family to play some games! We played Timber, UNO and 'Guess the Theme Song'. It was so great to actually spend time together like that even though it wasn't for long. I was shocked that my brother stayed down for any games at all since it's a rare sighting if he is out of his  room.  I couldn't quite convince them that Disney Monopoly was the best game to play but there is always tomorrow for that one, fingers crossed.

A couple of games later and it was time for a little bit of normal TV until Christmas specials like Mrs Browns Boys came on. EastEnders was on for an hour tonight - I certainly wasn't complaining about that. The episode was extremely tense but heart melting at the same time. I felt all the emotions. For anybody who watches EastEnders, has done for a while and is a (massive) fan of Ronnie Mitchell, you will know what I mean, Jack and Ronnie are back! Words cannot describe how EXCITED I am for this. The episode did end with a cliffhanger and all of the drama is far from over so between now and New Year, I will be glued to the TV every single time EastEnders comes on. Can you tell I am a fan of the show? 

Mrs Browns Boys is a comedy sketch show my mum used to watch quite a lot, a few years ago and ever since it returned, we have been watching it together, especially the Christmas Special. I was fortunate enough to be in the audience whilst the Christmas Special of 2013 (I think) was actually being filmed. I have never laughed so much in my life it was brilliant. The sketches this year made me laugh a little but not as much as previous years did and the episode seemed a lot shorter this year too. I'm not sure if that was just me who thought that though.

By the time we'd finished watching Mrs Browns Boys, I was dosing off on the couch. I was just so tired and with a plan of getting up early again on Boxing Day for sales shopping, I decided that bed was the best option for me. Yet I am still watching Vlogmas videos and chatting. I'm going to be absolutely knackered tomorrow, hopefully the good deals will make up for it. We are going shopping early so we can get home early and watch films all day. On the list so far are Cinderella, 101 Dalmations and the new film my mum got today. The only shops I really want to go into are Lush and Superdrug - gotta stock up on those bath bombs whilst you can - so I don't see us being out shopping for too long. I hope your Christmas was fun-filled and perfect and that your Boxing Day isn't too stressful if you are venturing out like me.

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