Monday 14 December 2015

Banoffee Biscuit Snowballs

So today I made an attempt at a Christmas treat. I didn't want it to be the usual things like Santa Strawberries or Peppermint Bark so I went for Banoffee Biscuit Snowballs. They are extremely sweet and if you don't like Banoffee then you probably won't like these - my brother and mum didn't. So here is what you will need:

1 small, ripe banana or half of a large, ripe banana

250g pack of digestive biscuits
1/2 cup of toffee sauce

Chocolate of your choice

Toppings of your choice


1) Crush the entire packet of digestive biscuits.

2) Mash up the banana into a paste.

3) Mix the banana paste, digestive crumbs and toffee sauce together and then roll into little balls.

4) Put the little balls onto a baking tray and place in the freezer for 25 minutes.

5) Whilst the balls are in the freezer, melt the chocolate you have chosen, white works better for this because I was going for a snowball look.

6) Use cocktail sticks to allow the process of coating the biscuit balls in chocolate easier.

7) Place the coated snowball onto baking paper.

8) Once all snowballs are coated, decorate as you please. I used blue, pearl and multi-coloured sprinkles on mine but coconut or chocolate shavings work too!

9) Place back in the freezer for 15 minutes before you eat them!

I hope you try out these Banoffee Biscuit Snowballs because I liked them despite my brother and mum not being particularly fond of them. They are incredibly sweet so I would recommend making them quite small or only having one at a time. I am definitely going to be trying out a few other ideas for Christmas treats at some point and if they turn out well, I'll write a little post about them. Today in my advent calendar I got little Christmas gift boxes.

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