Monday 7 December 2015

Winter Wishes

The typical things a person wants for the winter season are for it to snow, to have a Christmas where nothing goes wrong, to give and receive gifts, have warm and cosy nights in and watch festive films. Don't get me wrong, I definitely want all of those things too but there are a few things in particular that I would love to do this winter as well (cue the cliche).

I used to be a figure skater when I was younger and even though I rarely get to skate anymore, I still love everything to do with it. I do miss skating so this winter I would quite like to go. Last year I was able to go but not in the way I wanted. Some of the first aiders took the cadets for a Christmas treat but I ended up spending most of the time skating backwards whilst pulling them all round the rink. It was a really good night and the cadets loved it but skating myself would be good too.

Snow. Everybody wants snow during winter and around Christmas, including me. More specifically though I want to go a walk with my dogs in the snow when the air is crisp and dry, not raining and the ground all slushy. My dogs - especially the younger, more daft one - absolutely love the snow and go crazy for it because they can't quite figure out what it is. I love walking my dogs anyways but to be able to walk them on a dry but cold afternoon with a blanket of snow coating the field would be perfect, especially with the two of them jumping and rolling about like little crazy ones.

Christmas is all about food and family. I have a teenage brother so the food aspect always happens but the family aspect, not so much. Yeah he will eat Christmas dinner with us and maybe half of a film but that's about all we get these days. This year it would be perfect if we could all exchange gifts (dogs included), watch all the family and cheesy movies that are playing on TV, have a huge Christmas dinner, play some board games like Monopoly (the Disney version), Jenga, Who Wants to be a Millionaire and the new game my dad is going to get (and love) for Christmas and have a proper family Christmas. I am a sucker for board games but nobody plays them anymore so this Christmas I am going to try my hardest and get some board game action in there.

One of my favourite Christmas scenes is from the first Harry Potter film and it is when Harry and Ron are staying in Hogwarts for Christmas and Harry receives presents much to his dismay. The rooms are just decorated amazingly and the whole scene gives out such a Christmas vibe even though the film has nothing really to do with Christmas. Even so, as soon as we creep into Winter I always find myself wanting to watch and read Harry Potter. I am ashamed to say that I still haven't read all the books - despite owning them all - or seen all the films - because I wanted to read the books first. This winter I will attempt to finish the Harry Potter book series. This is my goal, whether it is realistic or not we shall wait and see. I know one thing for sure, Laura (biggest Harry Potter fan) will be extremely happy if I finish the book series.

The last thing I hope I can do this winter is to see a ballet. I absolutely love ballet. I have never been to any lessons but I wish I had when I was younger because I think I would have been quite good at it. I am too much of a wimp to pursue anything now because I'm nearly 21 and it just seems kind of pointless but I still enjoy watching it. You might have read in my Winter Favourites that I recently started watching Dance Moms (it's AMAZING) and they occasionally perform some ballet routines and this has heightened my desire to see a Ballet performance so I really hope I can fulfill this desire since there is bound to be some Ballet performances this December or January.

Today wasn't a very exciting day so I hope you liked reading about what I want out of this winter instead. Today in my advent calendar I got a sleigh! I had to build it and put all the little stickers on (talk about stressful) and attach the little reindeer I got yesterday to it, it's adorable. Tomorrow I am going to be knuckling down to A LOT of uni work but I have hopefully got something exciting to do later on. Come back tomorrow and see.

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