Tuesday 12 December 2017

What I've Got My Family For Christmas | Blogmas Day 11

As I've mentioned in a previous blog, I love buying presents for people. Whether it's for Christmas or for a birthday, I love it. There is just something about knowing exactly what to to buy for somebody and making them smile. I have actually had my Christmas shopping finished before the beginning of November! Yes, I am one of those types of people. I just get to excited and start as soon as I can. Now, even though I was super organised, I am still waiting on a couple of gifts to arrive but I thought I would share with you what I've bought my family for Christmas anyways.


This year, my mum has been 100% spoiled! Originally, my brother and I were chipping in together and getting her a Thomas Sabo necklace with my nana's birthstone in it. I bought my nana's birthstone on a charm to add to my necklace that I wear all the time and mum decided she wanted something similar. It was a perfect idea! My brother also upgraded her Samsung Galaxy tablet for her since she uses that constantly and I also got her a cuddly toy Dumbo because she loves Disney but doesn't like the massive cuddly toys and wanted a smaller one this year since last year I bought her a huge cuddly toy of Lady from Lady and the Tramp. I also managed to get my hands on tickets for her and I to see The Sound of Music in the theatre at the end of January! I even bought a couple of DVD's she wanted that when I wrap up I am going to pretend are actually from our dogs since they are dog films! 

My dad has outshone himself this year! He has never came up with a present for my mum on his own, he is just not good at presents at all. But this year, that has changed. He finished his Christmas shopping a few weeks ago and has bought presents for my brother and I and my mum! I was shocked when he told me. He has a picked a silver locket with a gold rose on the front for my mum and a new watch for her too. He has even organised and paid for a picture of my nana to be put inside the locket for my mum. I couldn't believe it! The man done well! This is the most thoughtful gift my dad has ever came up with and I cannot wait until my mum sees it. 

She will absolutely love every single one of these presents and she will be totally shocked at how spoiled she is this year!


Every single year I get my dad a book, some turkish delight (his favourite) and something daft and every year on Christmas day he sits in his chair happily reading his new book which he almost always has finished by boxing day! It's almost become a Christmas tradition for us. It's just good timing that the comedians he likes tend to release books nearer Christmas time. However, this year I haven't gotten him a book by a comedian. The book I bought for him this year is Endurance: A year in space, a lifetime of discovery and I will definitely be reading this after him! It is written by astronaut Scott Kelly and is all about the time he has spent up in Space. My dad and I both love space and always have done so this book is perfect for him. No doubt this Christmas he will be sat on his chair reading away most of this day, content as ever.


Now that my brother Stuart is nearly twenty and doesn't really care about anything accept his games consoles, he has become a little tricky to buy for. Nevertheless, he has one present waiting to be wrapped and two other presents still to arrive! I was refusing to buy him a game for one of his consoles because a) They are all very expensive and b) He does not need any more of them, he has plenty as it is! The first thing I got him is a black t-shirt with the Beverly Hills Cop logo on it in red. Stuart loves this film and basically lives in t-shirts so I knew this would be perfect and it will be something he definitely isn't expecting. 

The other two presents still to arrive are Pop Funko's that I pre-ordered in October. One of them is Conor McGregor (my brothers one and only true man crush) and the newer version of Pennywise. If my brother could marry Conor and Pennywise in real life, he would. He is completely and utterly obsessed with both them! He watches every single fight, interview and film that Conor is in. Stuart even bought and read his book and I don't think Stuart has read a book since he was about thirteen! He also bought the It book and it making his way through that too! I genuinely thought he was ill when he came home with it! He even has a poster of Pennywise above his bed which his girlfriend does not appreciate. Oh well, at least I know the little weirdo will love his presents.

I don't actually have that many people to buy for in my family. My cousin's tend to get a shower gel gift set if they are older and money if they are younger and then some form of chocolate or sweets. I don't have a big family so their isn't too many people to buy for. I actually prefer it that way because then I can get really meaningful gifts for my mum, dad and brother. I cannot wait to wrap all these presents and for Christmas morning when I will get to see their faces when opening their presents because none of them have any idea what they are getting! It's going to be great!

Merry Blogmas!

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