Saturday 2 December 2017

Graduation | Blogmas Day 2

When I started my blog, I was in my second year at university studying BSc Psychology. Fast forward two years and I have graduated with my degree and I am now studying for a MSc in Forensic Psychology. Time fly's and it's pretty damn scary.

I was supposed to graduate back in July with the rest of my pals but I had to sit one of our exams later because I had a panic attack the first time round. I didn't have a panic attack because of the exam but because my brother added caffeinated coffee to the decaffeinated coffee and caffeine and me don't have a good relationship. I am the weirdo that doesn't actually mind exams so I was gutted. In fact, I generally do better in exams than my course work.

I graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University with a 2:1 BSc (hons) Psychology degree. My mum, aunt and brother came to watch me graduate since my dad was working and they all cheered when I walked on to collect my degree. My aunt was in tears for a good 80% of the day and my brother actually fell asleep during the ceremony for a good ten minutes. I expected nothing less.

It was so cold when we left my house that morning that I had to wear my mums dressing gown and take a duvet with me in the car to survive journey to Glasgow. When we got to Glasgow we had an hour before the ceremony started to get my graduation robe and to have my professional photo's taken. As soon as we collected my graduation robe and I put the robe on, it confirmed my belief even more so that I belong in Hogwarts. It was a difficult decision to return the robe, I'd much rather have kept it to wear with my Gryffindor jumper but I also didn't fancy a substantial fine being emailed to me so unfortunately, it had to go back.

My mum insisted on getting the professional photo done. She also insisted on getting many copies of the photo to give out to family. This was not up for debate unfortunately. There were two background options for the photo: plain or library. Now, who doesn't want a photo in front of a library background?! I've always wanted my own library and this was the closest I was going to get for now so it was definitely happening whether my mum liked it or not. 

The actual graduation ceremony wasn't as lengthy as I was expecting it to but it was rather boring. Hence why my brother fell asleep. The highlights of the whole two hours was a guide dog barking and when I managed to walk across the stage and collect my degree without tripping or falling over. It was a proud moment.

The only thing I didn't like about my graduation is that I don't have a picture with my besties because they graduated in July. Oh well, we are all now doing out MSc Forensic Psychology together so we will graduate together next November and I will get my picture then!

Merry Blogmas!

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