Friday 1 December 2017

I met the SacconeJoly's! | Blogmas Day 1

If you haven't heard of Anna Saccone, Jonathan Joly or Emilia, Eduardo and Alessia SacconeJoly, you are seriously missing out. They are an Irish family who live in London and grace us with a vlog everyday at 6pm. 

Emilia is 5, Eduardo is 3 and Alessia is nearly 9  months old. The kids provide us with a lot top notch entertainment, I mean who doesn't find it hilarious when a 3 year old starts swearing? I have been watching the SacconeJoly family daily since Emilia was only 9 months old.

I'm not obsessed I promise.

Recently, Jonathan wrote a children's book called The SacconeJoly's and the Great Cat Nap (Emilia is obsessed with cats). 

Side Note: Amazing children's book, highly recommend. 

It wasn't too long after the initial book announcement that the book tour was announced. Now, I didn't get my hopes up because let's be honest, who comes to Scotland, never mind Glasgow? Barely anybody. Sometimes Edinburgh but rarely Glasgow. But wait..... The tour dates were announced and I was thrilled. They were coming to Glasgow! I was finally going to meet the family I had been watching and admiring everyday for 5 years.

Again, totally not obsessed.

Both Anna and Jonathan came on the book tour with Alessia but Emilia and Eduardo stayed at home unfortunately. They are so cute, I would have loved to have met them. I mean, what other 5 and 3 year old have their own iconic gifs?

 With each vlog that was uploaded of Anna and Jonathan travelling around the UK and Ireland on tour I got more excited. It was just typical that Glasgow was one of the last dates on the book tour. I had planned what I was going to wear, what I wanted to say and even the little gifts I was going to give them.

100%, definitely not obsessed at all.

When the day finally came I was queued outside the shop with plenty of time. There were so many people there! Izzy (part of the team) came round with the day's vlog and to this day I am annoyed that I didn't notice until she had already gone by. I mean come on dude, pay attention. 

As I got nearer the front of the queue, I did start getting nervous. When it was my turn, Jonathan commented on my t-shirt which just happened to be a SacconeJoly t-shirt they released a few years earlier and Anna commented on my necklace which also just happened to be from her jewellery range. 

Definitely just a coincidence.

I am proud to say that I didn't freeze and I did get to tell them what I wanted to: how much their videos can cheer you up even if you are having the worst day, how brave and inspirational Anna was for sharing her eating disorder story and how incredibly brave Jonathan was for sharing his experience with sexual assault. They both help so many more people than they realise, including myself, simply by speaking about their experiences.

The SacconeJoly family are definitely one of my favourite YouTubers to watch and I still can't believe I met them! Definitely one of the highlights of my year!

Happy Blogmas!

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