Sunday 3 December 2017

Shifts, Sign, Sleep, Repeat | Blogmas Day 3

First of all, 100% title credit goes to Lisa McFeeley.

She's a genius, I know.

Dammit, why didn't I think of that.

Anybody who knows me, knows I love my job. I work as a first aider at various events and locations. One of those events and locations being the Braehead Clan ice hockey games at Braehead Arena. I absolutely love ice hockey, I also love the Braehead Clan, even with their unpredictable game performances. So getting to work at the majority of the hockey games is perfect. The music, atmosphere and game is always good. Even when they don't win. The fact that I have my bestie working along side me only makes it better, especially when she loves the hockey too.

Tonight's came was Braehead Clan vs Nottingham Panthers and by god it was an exciting game. It had everything: fights, blood, cheating, drama and cute babies. I should rephrase that. It had everything, except a Clan goal. We lost, yet again. We put up a good fight though! Many fights actually!

Sometimes after a game, certain players will do a signing for their fans. Tonight, the entire team came to do a signing after the game! Ecstatic isn't even the word. We are lucky enough to have a boss who let us join the queue for the signing once our shift had finished. Forty minutes queuing and we were finally at the front.

We met every team player, they all signed our posters and we even chatted to a few of them too! We 110% turned into fan girls. I'm not even going to deny it. We both got our posters signed by our favourite players and even had a conversation with them about The Walking Dead. Lisa even got a photo with her favourite player: Brendan Brooks. There are absolutely no words to describe the excitement and happiness on her face when Lisa got the photograph with Brooks. It was a great way to end a long and tiring, but extremely good shift.

We've been working a lot of shifts recently and let me tell you, it is exhausting. Every single night, I cannot wait to get home and go to bed. We've been that tired we've been falling asleep on buses and then straight away at home, sometimes still in full uniform. Tonight definitely made all the sleep deprivation worth it though! The signed poster will definitely be going on my wall. I just need to get a picture with my favourite player too!

Merry Blogmas!


  1. Omg i get my own label <3 it was an easy title to come up with as its true (laughing face) thats all we do. Gonna make that into a remix. Love and thank you for going first at the signing (laughing face) <3 Love your main bitch Lisa ;)

  2. I always got your back <3 Even if that simply means going first to get signatures from hockey players cause you're a wimp ;)
