Monday 4 December 2017

Top 5 Christmas Songs | Blogmas Day 4

Who doesn't love a good sing along with some of the classic Christmas songs? I start listening to Christmas music during the last week in November and that definitely isn't too early. I have always had one all time favourite Christmas song but I've also always loved so many more. So, I decided to narrow it down and pick my top 5 Christmas songs.

1) Wonderful Christmas Time - Paul McCartney

This is and always has been my all time favourite Christmas song. It brings back so many childhood memories of watching one of my favourite Christmas films with my brother: Rudolph, as the song plays at one of the best parts of the film. 

During the song, there is an instrumental section during the lyrics "simply having a wonderful Christmas time". This is when my brother and I would bop our heads closer and closer together under we collided and essentially head butted each other. We thought this was absolutely hilarious and every single time I hear the song, that is the vision I have in my head. It makes me smile every single time. Especially since my brother is nearly twenty and a moody young man now and no longer a sweet little kid.

2) Happy Xmas (War is over) - John Lennon

This song instantly makes me think of being sat around the decorated dining room table with my mum, dad and brother about to tuck into the Christmas dinner being served on the fancy crockery. This is the first song on the CD we always had playing in the background on Christmas day. Christmas day when I was younger was always so much happier and magical compared to Christmas day now and I long for how it used to be. Listening to this song takes me back to how it used to be and I gives me such a warm feeling.

3) Last Christmas - Wham!

I love this song because my mum loved this song and constantly used to play it leading up to Christmas. She would dance around the living room often pulling my brother and I up to join in too. These moments are rare nowadays so I treasure the memories of these moments as much as I can, especially when my mum isn't a big fan of Christmas anymore.

4) All I Want For Christmas - Mariah Carey

The reason I love this Christmas song is plain and simple. It's the song I will belt out like nobody's business. Who doesn't love a good sing and dance around? Exactly! In my opinion, this is one of the best Christmas songs to sing and dance to. It doesn't matter if you are a good or bad singer, an amazing or completely rubbish dancer, whether you are tidying your room or cooking in the kitchen, it is always a good option.

Yes, I'll admit I have the tendency to have a good sing and dance whilst I cook in the kitchen. Who doesnt?

5) I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday - Wizzard

This is the song that would always be played as my brother and I opened our presents or just as we had finished opening our presents. 

Can you tell I am a sentimental person?

Sitting in the living room, picking the best films to watch throughout the day on TV, surrounded by our freshly opened presents whilst my dad cooks breakfast and my mum sits with us is one of the best family memories of Christmas. It would also be played after Christmas dinner, after we had demolished all the food we possibly could. This song would signal the beginning of a post-Christmas dinner dance party. I'm still pretty sure this was my mums attempt to tire out my brother and I after all the sweets and chocolate we had consumed throughout the day. Nevertheless it was always good fun!

If you hadn't noticed, I am an incredibly sentimental person. I am definitely a person who revels in the past. My family isn't the same as it used to be when I was a child and I miss that. There are so many amazing Christmas songs out there but these five remind me so much of happy childhood memories that they just have to be my top picks. 

What are your favourite Christmas songs and why?

Merry Blogmas!

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