Friday 8 December 2017

Holiday Planning & Hockey | Blogmas Day 8

Travelling is one of the top things I want to do in life. My nana did a lot of travelling throughout her life and she loved it! She has been to Austria, Russia, Germany and Poland to name a few places. I went to Austria for a skiing holiday about seven years ago and it was incredible! The views of the mountains were to die for and I would love to go back I have a list of places I would love to travel to and Austria is on there even though I have already been. I would also love to go to Germany, Poland, Canada, Mexico, Iceland and so many more places! 

My friends also want to travel to all these places so we are going to make our way (very slowly) through the list we have. We are 100% going to travel somewhere after we finish our masters degree and right now, that place is likely to be Canada! We have done a fair amount of research and we are definitely favouring Banff and Yellowknife. There are the most beautiful views of the mountains, forests and lakes in Banff and Yellowknife is one of the best places to see the Northern Lights. We have looked at flights, hotels, transport and things to do there and right now we are pretty certain we would be going for two weeks! We are going to holiday plan a lot more next week but for now Banff and Yellowknife are definitely at the top of the list. Who wouldn't want to go here?!

We would definitely be going to a hockey game whilst in Canada. Hockey here is great but hockey in Canada would be amazing. The atmosphere would be incredible and you can't go to Canada and not go to a hockey game! It just so happens that one of my pals' favourite teams are Canadian so we might get lucky and time it around one of their games! For now, hockey here will keep me going. Especially when I get to meet my favourite player of the Braehead Clan at the end of my shift! Last week I was lucky enough to meet the entire team, chat to some of the players and get a poster signed by them all. This week I got to chat to my favourite player and get him to sign a poster again but this time I managed to get a picture with him! I could not have been happier! It was just typical that the night one of our favourite players does a signing is the night that Lisa isn't working. Oh well, she got a picture with her favourite player last week. Plus, since I am a top pal, I got her a signed poster too! My favourite player is our goal tender Ryan Nie and my god he pulls off some bloody good saves. If I got to play hockey, I would definitely be a goaltender. Nie is also Canadian and has a very cute family, including a newborn and he will still do the signings and will take pictures with fans. He has definitely improved the start of the very long working weekend ahead of me.

Merry Blogmas!

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