Tuesday 11 October 2016

Blogtober Day 7 | Disney Favourites: Now

As I said yesterday, Disney is a huge part of a child's life but also of an adults life. In fact, I'm sat with a cup of tea, watching Oliver and Company as I write this post! I loved Disney when I was younger and I still love Disney, maybe even more so now.

The Toy Story Saga is in this picture! I liked the films as a child but they didn't quite make it into my favourites back then. Now, they definitely do. Toy Story was released in 1996, Toy Story 2 in 2000 and Toy Story 3 in 2010 meaning I have grown up with these films. I was fifteen when the 3rd film was released and I could not have been more excited to see it. I will nearly twenty three when Toy Story 4 is released and I can guarantee I will be one of the first people at the cinema!

Lilo and Stitch is forever going to be one of my all-time favourite Disney films, I'm forever going to own at least 6 Stitch stuffed toys and I have no shame in that. How can you not love a film that embraces being different as a good thing and explores family strengths and struggles through comedy and emotion. Plus, Stitch is adorable, adorable is always a good thing. Nothing will budge Lilo and Stitch from one of my top spots, not even my mum's constant moaning when I watch it.

Dinosaur, Fantasia, The Lion King 2, Pinocchio, Oliver and Company and The Little Mermaid 2 all remain in my favourites because you just cannot get any better in my opinion. Sure, The Little Mermaid was really good but when Ariel lives on land, has a daughter who trades her legs to Ursula's sister for a tail and leaves for the ocean, the sequel takes over for the better. The same goes for The Lion King 2. When Simba has a daughter who gets into all sorts of trouble with 'outsider' lions, the story improves and the plot thickens and ultimately it becomes better than the original film in my opinion. The soundtrack for the second Lion King is also one of my favourites so that may sway me slightly.

Fantasia contains a huge amount of beautiful, classical music paired with comedic, animated sketches involving all sorts of animals, Greek mythological creatures and Disney characters like Mickey Mouse. The music is peaceful, relaxing and it takes me back to watching with my nana, cuddled up on her chair. Pinocchio is a Disney classic that simply cannot be beaten. Watching gives you the realisation that everybody needs a Jiminy Cricket in their lives.

Dinosaur is incredibly underrated and I am very disappointed at how few people I know have actually seen it. Dinosaur demonstrates individual differences and strengths and that with support from those around you, you can do anything you believe in. It also has cute baby dinosaurs which is always a bonus! Oliver and Company is a film I appreciate more now than as a child. I understand the connections to the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist and being a big Dickens fan, I appreciate the Disney interpretation very much. Adapting the Dickens novel into animals was genius and very cute.

Brave, Tangled, Maleficent and Monster University are really the only newer Disney films that have made it into my favourites. Let's start with Monsters University. I was starting university when this film came out so instantly it appealed. Like the Toy Story Saga, Monsters Inc waited and incredible amount of time to release a sequel. On one hand, the wait was unfair but when it eventually did happen, all children who originally watched Monsters Inc were grown up and in college or uni, just like the character. We grew up with the film. Many people are hesitant when Disney sequels are announced but Monsters University was absolutely fantastic. 

I feel like I have to mention Brave because I am a doppelganger for Merida and the film is Scottish. I would have loved Brave to have been released when I was younger so I could have had a princess to dress as and look up to. It does remind me a little of Brother Bear but I love that film to so I'm happy with that. I love Tangled because it demonstrates that you can venture out of your comfort zones and that you don't have stay somewhere that makes you unhappy; plus the songs are pretty catchy too!

Maleficent is an incredible live action Disney film. As a psychology student, I always wish to know the backstory of all characters in an attempt to explain their behaviour. Maleficent does that for me as her backstory is explored and her evil nature is explained. Despite her being a villain, I absolutely love her because of this film. Maleficent is definitely high up on my favourites list; Angelina Jolie portrays Maleficent to perfection and I could watch her every single day. 

I generally love all Disney films but this selection just has something else. As I said in my last post, if you haven't seen any of these films, please do watch! My favourites haven't changed that much over the years but there is always room for even more change in the future. Who knows what is going to happen to my favourites when the Beauty and the Beast live action is released? Or when Toy Story 4 is finally completed? I guess we'll just need to wait and see. I've gone a bit Disney crazy over the last few weeks and it seems to have reflected onto my blog, I'm loving it so hopefully you are too because there is still more to come!

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