Friday 7 October 2016

Blogtober Day 6 | Disney Favourites: Then

Disney is a huge part of a child's life. Disney is also a huge part of an adults life. Disney is always going to be a huge part of life, it doesn't matter how old we get. When I was younger, I loved all Disney films but I definitely had some favourites that I would watch on repeat. 

There are so many amazing Disney films and I had many favourites as a child so this was a hard one to narrow down. I know what you are thinking though, why is Toy Story missing from that picture?! Well I did really like Toy Story but I happened to like these films a little better back then. 

I remember being very, very little and receiving the Dumbo VHS tape for Christmas. I was over the moon and watched it so often that by the time my birthday came along six months later, the VHS tape had to be replaced. Dumbo was probably my earliest Disney favourite. Next was probably Fantasia. My nana had the Fantasia VHS tapes and I used to watch them constantly whenever I was at her house. I loved the classical music, the dancing and all the animals. Surprisingly, my mum wasn't fond of Fantasia so was content with my nana keeping the VHS tape at her house for when I was there.

Another early favourite was The King and I. I don't own this on DVD as it is pretty hard to find nowadays but this was the first film I ever saw in the cinema. I went with my mum and my nana and I was constantly repeating lines from the film for weeks afterwards. I'm sure they regretted taking me to see it soon after! If you have seen The King and I, you will understand why I ran about the house for weeks shouting "Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera". My mum thought it was cute but it must have gotten on her nerves after the first week.

Oliver and Company was another VHS tape that had to be replaced more than once. I loved all the songs from this film (still do) and I loved the story. I didn't quite understand that it was based on the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist when I was that age but I adored it all the same. So much so that I even named my teddy after it. You know that one teddy or toy you loved so incredibly much as a child. The one that will always mean more to you than all your other possessions? Well that's my teddy Oliver. He never left my side then and he never leaves my bed now.

The Little Mermaid, The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast are classic Disney films loved by all. Well, I actually preferred the sequels rather than the originals An unpopular opinion I know but what can I say?. I still loved the originals but for me, the sequels had that little something more. Sleeping Beauty is another I watched constantly but this time for one particular scene; the fairies attempting to make a birthday cake and dress for Aurora from scratch, without any magic. I have no idea why I love this scene so much, maybe because everything went so terribly wrong? My brother on the other hand was the complete opposite. He absolutely hated Sleeping Beauty because he was terrified of Maleficent, For years and years he wouldn't watch the film, started avoided all other films with witches too. Even now he tends to avoid it. 

Dinosaur is a such a classic, fantastic film and yet, hardly anybody I know has actually seen or heard of it. I would go as far as to say this was in my top 3 Disney films back then. I watched this with my brother nearly as often as I watched Dumbo. My brother and I were obsessed! Stuart even had one of the costumes to go with the film! He wore it constantly round the house, on outings, even to school once! We still have the costume, maybe one day when we have children we can do a reenactment photograph. 

Monster Inc was another that my brother and I constantly watched together. I think it was one of the first films we had on a disk instead of a VHS tape. It still wasn't a DVD though. My mum had somehow managed to burn the film onto two disks for us. The first half of the film on one disk, the second half on another. My brother and I always fought over who had to get up and change the disk. Even now when I watch our Monsters Inc DVD, I almost always think about changing the disk when it gets to trash room scene because that's what we did for years.

The Incredibles and Atlantis are ones my mum stereotypically thought my brother would love. In fact, it was me who loved them. Sure, Stuart liked them a little but he never really took to them the way I did. I wanted to be Violet from The Incredibles and I wanted to be as pretty as Kida from Atlantis. I loved the superhero theme of The Incredibles and I loved the adventure and mystery found in Atlantis. I even bought the games when they were released a couple of years later. I was actually playing The Incredibles on the PS2 the other night and becoming increasingly frustrated at how awful I have become.

I loved a lot of Disney films throughout my childhood but the number one spot has got to go to Lilo and Stitch. I was obsessed with this film and had (have) so many Stitch toys that my entire bed was covered with them. I soon discovered I could do a pretty good Stitch impression and from them on my mother wanted to kill me. Just when she thought the obsession was cooling down a bit, a Lilo and Stitch TV show was created and aired on Disney Channel, followed by some sequels. I love it and watched every single day. I watched a few episodes on YouTube a while back and it is still just as good. Lilo and Stitch is still one of my all time favourites, I even spent my sixteenth birthday in Disneyland Paris having breakfast with Stitch who then gifted another Stitch toy to add to the growing collection. What more could a girl really want?

I loved and watched all Disney films as a child but these were definitely my firm favourites. The stories, characters and soundtracks were all just so good. The Lion King and Lilo and Stitch sound tracks are definitely still two of my favourites. If you haven't seen any of the films I have mentioned in this post then you should 100% try and watch them. I promise you won't regret it!At the age of 21, my Disney favourites haven't changed massively, new films have been released over the years so naturally, some of them have made their way into my favourites.  In tomorrow's post I'll share with you what my current Disney favourites are. So, come back tomorrow and find out how much they have changed.

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