Sunday 2 October 2016

Blogtober Day 1 | Where have I been?

Hey there! It's been a while since I blogged but I am back and ready to blog! 

6 weeks is a hefty break I know but believe me, I definitely needed it. Getting organised for my honors year at university has been a lot harder than anticipated. I am doing Psychology at university and 4th year presents me with all the captivating, yet challenging modules. From now until December, I will be doing Forensic & Criminal Psychology, Developmental Psychology and then working on my Research Dissertation. Then from January until April, it'll be Counselling Psychology, Mental Health Psychology and completing my Research Dissertation. All these modules require a number of books and a lot of background reading. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy all the reading but it is a great deal more time consuming now compared to last year.

Apart from university, there has been a little drama within my personal and family life. Nothing to worry about really, just a bit of a wobble. Supporting each other whilst we work through this wobble together is one of the main reasons we've managed to stay together. My family had to come first.

It's been a frenzied few months but things are finally getting back on track. Right now, things are good; I'm organised with my university work (for now) and my family is slowly but surely getting back on track again. I can direct some of my focus back onto blogging again! And, what better way to drive back into the blogging world than with Blogtober?!

I have a lot planned for Blogtober and I can't wait to share all my ideas with you all. It's going to be a busy month with lot's of different posts, so keep an eye out!

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