Thursday 6 October 2016

Blogtober Day 5 | My Little Jar of Happy

I have the tendency to be quite negative, even my GP has told me to stop being so pessimistic! Usually at the end of a year people reflect and negative things have happened throughout the year then you are more likely to remember them in comparison to any positives. I do this all the time. So, this year, I decided to create a Little Jar of Happy. 

Each time something positive happens or something makes me really happy, I write it down on a colourful bit of paper, fold it in half and put it in this adorable jar I bought from Paperchase. This way, at the end of the year, I can go through the jar and read all the things that have made me happy throughout the year. So far, I have things like getting my Psychology degree, going to Airspace, seeing Sister Act: The Musical and Cinderella: The Ballet, providing first aid cover at Beyonce and going to Kenmore written down. Don't worry, there are a good few more than just those ones and I plan to have even more by the end of the year!

I'm really glad I started this project at the beginning of the year. Despite my pessimistic attitude, I am a very sentimental person so I think reading through this at the end of the year will be a good thing for me. To focus on the positives instead of the negatives. It is such a simple but worthwhile project, all you need is a little jar and some coloured sheets of paper! So if you think this is a good idea and good project to keep throughout the year, definitely give it a go!

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