Monday 3 October 2016

Blogtober Day 2 | Current Top 5 YouTubers

Today's post is not the one I originally had going up today and it's also going up a little later than I'd planned so I'm off to a great start! Today's post is quite random but I didn't really have a lot of time to spare today (you'll find out about that tomorrow) so this is what we have ended up with. 

YouTube is very relevant today and very popular. Everybody either watches videos, posts their own videos or does both. I don't have the courage to post my own videos just yet so I stick with watching them instead. I do watch a lot of YouTubers so narrowing down my favourite ones was a lot harder than anticipated. In the end this is what I went with.

1) Anna Saccone & Jonathan Joly (SacconeJoly's)

If you don't know who the SacconeJoly's are then you are majorly missing out! They are a little Irish family who live in Surrey and they are daily vloggers. Sound pretty simple right? Well when you throw in two adorable, funny and sassy children, six dogs and another baby on the way for mum Anna and dad Jonathan, it get's a little hectic! I absolutely love the SacconeJolys, they are so genuine and any vlog of theirs is sure to put a smile on your face. 

2) Gabriella Lindley (Velvetgh0st)

Gabby is obsessed with cats, make-up, fashion, home decor and musicals, she even has her own Primark range! She is such a funny and down-to-Earth person. With her, you get reality, whether it's positive or negative. That is one of the many things I love about Gabby. She puts so much effort into her work and into every single one of her videos as well and you can definitely tell!

3) Dodie Clark (Doddleoddle)

Dodie is amazing. That is literally all you can say about her. She is funny, sings and writes songs, expresses her opinions and explores herself with her audience on YouTube. Like Gabby, she doesn't pretend life is all happy and dandy, she shows people the realities of life. She can cheer you up when you are feeling down, relate to you with one of her songs and make you contemplate life and existence all in one video, what is there not to like?

4) Jamie Jo (BananaJamana)

Jamie is actually one of the newer YouTubers I have been watching and I wish I had started watching her A LOT sooner. The talent she has for art is beyond insane! I can only imagine how much time, effort and skills go into some of her art videos. She is massively under rated in my opinion. Jamie is also obsessed with anything cute and anything Disney so most of her videos run along those themes. Jamie is married to another YouTuber, Tom. Together these two make the most adorable couple in existence. Jamie amazes me with her skills and then makes me smile when she shares snippets of her day to day life with Tom. If you have never watched Jamie before you definitely should, you won't regret it one little bit!

5) Fabulous Hannah

Hannah is a YouTuber I used to watch every now and then for a good while but recently, I've been watching her non-stop, especially her vlogging channel. Hannah is three years younger than me, lives in Essex and her personality reminds me of Adele. Hannah is very pretty, funny and makes your standard YouTube videos but her personality is so laid back and relaxed that she draws you in. I love watching her video's because I feel like I would get on with her pretty well and we have similar taste in fashion.

There we have it, my current top 5 YouTubers. I watch an endless number of bigger and smaller YouTubers and this list probably changes on a monthly basis but for now, this is who I'm loving. Is there anybody else I should be watching? Let me know.

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