Tuesday 4 October 2016

Blogtober Day 3 | Sister Act: The Musical

Sister Act is one of my favourite films. If you haven't seen it then I highly, highly recommend. Deloris is a singer and girlfriend to a mobster, when she witnesses him commit murder, she is relocated for her own protection. She is placed in a convent. Deloris is as far from a nun as you can possibly get! The film is light-hearted, humerous and definitely makes you want to join in with the singing and dancing! For me, the audience atmosphere makes the stage musical even better.

I've seen Sister Act: The Musical once before; it was a local production starring a few girls I was in school with and it was very good. It made me smile, laugh, sing along and even dance a little too. When I heard that a larger production of the musical was coming to Glasgow I instantly started searching for tickets. My mum and I have discovered that musicals and shows are our thing. We are very different so never usually like the same things but musicals and shows are one thing we do have in common. We have gone to a fair few over the last two years and we intend to go to a few more next year too! Mum loves Sister Act so when she agreed to go and I managed to get tickets for us, I was over the moon! Somehow, I always manage to get us great seats and this time was no different. The tickets were a little more pricey than normal but I assumed it was because of the scale of the production and because it was Craig Revel Horwood directing and choreographing the production. I found out a week later that it wasn't because of Craig Revel Horwood, Alexandra Burke had been cast as the character of Deloris!

It was a busy morning for me before I could really get excited for the show but once I got home from university, had a lush bath and got ready, the excitement surfaced. Mum and I went for dinner before the show like we had done before each of the other shows. I had pasta and she had steak and a sneaky bit cheesecake for dessert too! Mum had worn the top and boots I'd gotten her for her birthday which looked amazing on her but didn't feel too amazing whilst walking to the venue that's for sure! There was a massive queue when we got there, I was a little worried we would get seated in time but everything was fine, I even had time to buy a programme.

The show was AMAZING. From what I could tell, it was quite a small cast group. Each cast member played an instrument and incorporated their instruments into each scene as they played the music for the scene. There was everything from violins and saxophones to tambourines and shakers! They are a talented bunch! Alexandra sang incredibly to no surprise but the way she captured the character of Deloris was spot on. I never realised how good an actor Alexandra was because I've only known her from her singing career but she portrayed Deloris and her sassy personality perfectly. Alexandra was definitely a perfect choice for the role. She had the crowd laughing, cheering and singing along with every song. I would 110% go and see her in Sister Act again, I'd go again tonight if I could! There isn't a better person to portray Deloris Van Cartier in my opinion. She wasn't scared to embrace the 'over the top' personality, the diva attitude or the horrendously funny dance moves! Alexandra's singing was outstanding, the singing coming from the audience... not so much. Everyone was having such a wonderful evening, even my mum was attempting to sing along!

Sister Act is touring all around the UK and if you can get your hands on some tickets I would more than recommend doing so! The performance was well worth the money. Craig Revel Horwood has produced and choreographed a fantastic show. I would attend every night the performance shows in Glasgow if I could! Of all the shows and musicals I have seen, this one is definitely in my top 3. 

My mum knows how much I love Sister Act and she must have noticed the constant smile on my face throughout the entire performance because she surprised me with a Sister Act T-Shirt afterwards and told me she'd ordered the soundtrack online as well! No doubt she'll regret that decision after a week of me playing the soundtrack but in that moment she could not have made me any happier! I'm so glad she enjoyed her night, she definitely needed it. It was nice to see her laughing and joining in with the songs, it was even better to see her smile as much as she did.

Going to performances with my mum is one of my favourite things to do and I cannot wait for the next one. It makes us both so happy. Surprisingly we haven't booked anymore just yet but no doubt that'll change shortly going by our track record. There is another ballet coming to Glasgow in January and The Woman in Black is also coming back, I reckon it would take a lot of convincing for her go and see those with me but fingers crossed!

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