Tuesday 31 May 2016

A Short Break Away | Kenmore Day 1 & Exploring Pitlochry

Our first official day at Kenmore started off with me feeling extremely sick, what a great start. I couldn't even walk the dogs with my mum so I made breakfast for everybody instead and worked on some blog posts. After a breakfast of porridge, cereal, croissants and toast, we all made plans for the rest of the day. Mum and I were going to relax, go for a short walk, read our books and then take a little trip into Pitlochry. Stuart was going to show Louise around Kenmore and go swimming. I was feeling a bit better after breakfast so the day was looking up.

Pitlochry is a small village situated in a small council area in Perth. My mum usually hates it there as she finds it rather boring. Today she was extremely restless and the weather wasn't too sunny so she needed something to occupy her. It has a few shops, the biggest ones being a Greggs and a WHSmith. The rest of the shops are all little locally run businesses, charity shops and traditional Scottish shops. I love this type of day, exploring all the little shops, seeing what I can find. I found a craft shop that I had never seen before and a secondhand bookshop too! I found some great pieces in the craft shop, including some scrapbook paper and a guitar stamp that will be perfect for a scrapbook project I am currently working on. Unfortunately the little bookshop was closed due to the bank holiday so I am in the process of convincing my mum to take me back another day when the shop is open; I am eager to get a glimpse of what I can find inside.

We only spent around 2 hours exploring around Pitlochry but in that time, I did pick up a few items, so did mum! I picked up a Christmas jumper (yes another one) from one of the traditional Scottish shops. It was reduced from £35 down to £8. I could not say no to the pale blue, pure wool jumper with the polar bear and snowflakes on. I also picked up a hooded jumper for lounging around in because even though the weather is gorgeous at the minute, I feel the cold a great deal and still need to extra layers. This jumper has a cute hedgehog on it and is the SOFTEST material. It is 100% polyester and I can't stop wearing it. It was only £5 as well! Reduced from £25. The last thing I bought was an absolute steal from one of the charity shops. A beautiful mint green midi tulle skirt with floral beaded detailing at the bottom, originally from Monsoon. I have quite the number of weddings to attend over the next year so it will definitely come in handy and at £4, how could I say no? Monsoon is generally a rather pricey brand and at the moment midi tulle skirts are popular too and also quite pricey; I can only assume how much this cost in the shop. My mum also picked up a cream wool jumper from the same shop I got my two jumpers in, I can't tell if she was more pleased about the actual jumper and how well it suited her or that she got it for £5 when it was originally £35!

After wandering our way through most shops, it was time for mum and I to head back to Kenmore. On our way back to the car, we told ourself it would be rude not to visit the sweet shops. We did make some sneaky purchases, not too many though! Unfortunately for the blog, they didn't last long enough for any pictures! When we arrived back at Kenmore, we made dinner and the four of us settled down to watch another movie together. This time we chose Sinister; one of my favourite horror/psychological thriller films. Watching a movie together at the end of the day seems to be become a little tradition now.

Even though we didn't all spend the day all together and I was feeling sick at the beginning, the day turned out to be really nice and peaceful. I enjoy exploring little towns and having nothing to worry about. I especially loved coming back and having a peaceful night without any arguing or fighting or stressing about something. For once I even went to sleep before midnight! Tomorrow we are planning on spending the whole day at Kenmore; walking the dogs, reading, writing blogs and of course, taking more photographs! It is so easy to relax here and do more of what I enjoy compared to at home, I am looking forward to writing all about tomorrow and sharing my break away with you all as well as reading some more of Jane Eyre (my friend Laura will love that!)

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