Wednesday 1 June 2016

A Short Break Away | Kenmore Day 2

Waking up in Kenmore on day 2 had me feeling a lot better than the previous day. I was actually looking forward to the early morning dog walk, taking photographs and just generally relaxing and enjoying myself for the majority of the day. The view that welcomes you when you awaken each morning at Kenmore is beautiful. I will never tire of looking at Loch Tay or the hills and woodlands behind it.

We started our day off with a long walk through one of the many forest pathways with our dogs. There are at least five different forest pathways to explore but the one right next to river Tay is my favourite. The pathway is very wide as it is frequently used by horses and their riders but it also splits into smaller, more narrow paths. There is one main pathway but because several others branch off from it leaving you with many choices, you would be left walking all day if you wanted to walk them all.The path also takes you past a couple of little cottages, a caravan park that contains some stunning caravans (I will own one some day), a play park that is extremely tempting to play on, a tower, a church and the most important thing, a tree swing. This is not just any tree swing though, this tree swing has existed for the last seven years and is the most comfortable tree swing I have ever found. My mum has even had a go on this swing and she hates all swings; they make her sick. There is a lot to see on this forest trail and it is situated near a golf club so all the surrounding woodland has been left completely natural. The weather was gorgeous all day which made me even more eager to take some photographs. 

The dogs had a great time swimming in the river and then we went back to our cottage for some lunch. After lunch we didn't have anything planned. My brother and Louise were going swimming again but mum and I had nothing specific planned. I was hoping to spend the rest of my day reading, writing blogs and potentially thinking of ideas for a fan fiction that I'm contemplating writing. It is based on a show that I am a little obsessed with, there is no denying that, my couple of ideas are just too good and riddled with potential that I can't ignore them. That is exactly how I spent my afternoon, out in the sunshine, reading and writing, with music playing in the background; Serenity. The day could not have been more relaxing. We did wander over to the only nearby shop for some ice-cream later on in the day. It was one of the best decisions that were made, who knew vanilla, fresh raspberries, oats and honey could be such a delicious combination?!

Our second day at Kenmore was nothing short of relaxing and sublime. I know some people go on holiday and have lot's of activities planned with places to go and visit, but here there isn't anything nearby so you don't have to make any plans or commitments. You simply make the most of what surrounds you; woods and nature. I don't have much planned for tomorrow besides walking the dogs and visiting the little shop nearby. If the weather is nice enough, I might even take a wander into Loch Tay! There is a lot of potential for some astounding photographs if I do. So stay tuned for that possibility!

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