Saturday 4 June 2016

A Short Break Away | Kenmore Day 3

I feel like these blogs must be boring because Kenmore is isolated and a place to relax and do absolutely nothing so I don't have anything exciting to really blog about. Nevertheless, I said I would blog each day I was away and I shall. Day 3 was even sunnier than the previous two! It was so much hotter and Loch Tay became a lot busier too. My mum was planning on sunbathing for the majority of the day as usual; the woman is a sun worshipper. Me, I was planning on blogging, reading and maybe exploring even further through the woods.

When we walked the dogs, we chose one of the different routes this time but ended up coming back to the cottage a lot earlier than planned. Millie (my youngest dog) kept getting scared for some unknown reason, she just wouldn't walk any further than our halfway point and wouldn't walk ahead of us no matter what, it was like she was hiding behind us the whole way. Since we didn't walk them as far, we let them swim a lot longer than usual to cool them down and to tire them out before returning to the cottage for breakfast. I think if they were given the option of swimming all day they certainly would and it was so hot that I don't blame them! Even though our walk was cut short, it was still gorgeous, looking up at the trees when it is so bright and sunny allowed for some cool photo's to be taken.

After breakfast, both mum and I sat outside on the wooden balcony to read and listen to music. I couldn't stay outside too long because I forgot sun cream and my skin was definitely burning. I got to read a good couple of chapters of Jane Eyre though and I have to say that I am enjoying it so far. Throughout the afternoon, the temperature continued to rise to the point when even my mum came back inside. This is when we decided it would be a good idea to go and sit in the shade, by the loch, with out feet in the water. We did go and sit by the loch and mum did have her feet perched in the water. I however, decided it was shallow enough to walk out into the loch instead of just staying at the waters edge, so that is what I did. I also thought it would be a great idea to take my phone out with me. I was terrified of dropping it in the loch because I really don't have a good track record with phones but I was being extra careful. The photograph I managed to snap made it worth it. My phone is doing a great job but I cannot wait to get a decent camera to take even better photographs. I wandered about the loch for a good hour or so, the dogs joining me every so often. People were out in canoes, paddle boats and even proper sailing boats! I don't like boats myself but it did seem like a lot of fun.

An afternoon in the lake definitely cooled everybody down in time to go back to the cottage, get changed and decide what was for dinner. We decided on fish and chips. Since the nearest village is a 15 minute drive away, Stuart and Louise picked a second film to watch that night whilst mum and I went to get dinner. Since mum and I had already picked Ice Castles; a film about a figure skater who loses her sight but continues to skate, it was only fair for them to pick a film too. Unfortunately for me, they picked The Avengers. I had never seen it but superhero movies aren't really my cup of tea - besides the original Spiderman films, they are great. I am not too keen on fish either so I just got chips for dinner, with ice cream for desert.

I wasn't too fond of The Avengers but I think it was mainly because it was all of the superheros all at once so I think I am going to give some of the individual films a go. I did like when Hulk comedically punched a guy out of camera shot, that was the best moment of the whole film. Our last full day at Kenmore was great. Going home was not appealing to any of us just quite yet but there was nothing we could do. We planned to walk the dogs one last time and then all go for breakfast together before heading home. Our time at Kenmore has been brilliant and too short as usual but all we can do is make the most of it whilst we can and enjoy the stunning surroundings.

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