Monday 30 May 2016

A Short Break Away | Arriving at Kenmore

Kenmore is a small village in Perthshire, in the Highlands of Scotland and is situated on the banks of Loch Tay. Kenmore is surrounded by the most gorgeous scenery that I never tire seeing. Tranquil and peaceful are the only accurate descriptions I can provide for Kenmore. My family and I have been here every single year (at least one time) for the past 8 years. It is like our second home and we are allowed to bring our dogs here too which is definitely a bonus.

From my house, Kenmore is roughly a 3 hour car journey away. Years ago, that journey made my brother and I dread coming here, we'd spend hours selecting the two DVD's to watch that would keep us distracted and occupied. Now that we are older, those 3 hours fly by. We arrived at Kenmore mid-afternoon and were soon all unpacked and organised. Each time we arrive at Kenmore it has become a little tradition to walk the dogs almost instantly, this time was no exception. The only difference was that a lot more photographs were taken this time. Kenmore is surrounded by the most beautiful, untouched and clean woodlands you could imagine. Even though there has been a number of trees knocked over by various storms and winds, it does not take away any of the scenic qualities. I absolutely love it here and would gladly spend weeks here if I could. When the weather is particularly nice, there is often a number of people out on the lake swimming or with boats; everybody is always lovely and friendly.

The nearest village to Kenmore is called Aberfeldy and is just under 20 minutes drive away. I did walk there once, through all the forests and woodland paths, it took nearly 4 hours. It was worth it though, having completed my Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, I do like hiking through nature and woodland areas; plus is was a fantastic day. I am still trying to convince my mum to complete the walk with me but so far I am having no luck. She prefers the shorter walks with proper pathways that are closer. I do love them too but I like being out and about instead of stuck inside all day. There are a significant number of trees in the forests immediately on the banks of Loch Tay that have been affected by the storms and horrible weather but my mum see's this as the perfect opportunity for a photo and my dogs have now apparently gained some climbing skills. My mum loves to get as many photographs here as she can. She convinced me to climb up on a huge fallen tree to sit and get a nice photo surrounded by branches and shrubbery. I was convinced this was not a good idea because it was pretty high and the branches I would use to climb up did not look that strong but my mum bared her weight on them to prove that it would be safe for me. Reluctantly, I agreed and began to climb. This was when my mum thought it would be a fantastic idea to lean on the branch I was supporting myself on. The branch snapped and me, a sensible, 21 year old (nearly) fell out a tree. I hadn't done that since I was about twelve!

After the walk, we went back to our little cottage and had dinner. My brother and his girlfriend had joined us for this trip to Kenmore and we all decided to watch a film together to end the day nicely. We watched Sisters, a comedy starring Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. We all absolutely loved this film! It was hilarious and had us laughing pretty much through the entire film. I would definitely recommend watching it, especially if you are a fan of Celebrity Juice because the humour is very similar. 

Our first afternoon at Kenmore was perfect, minus me falling out a tree, which will no doubt give me a massive bruise. Tomorrow we plan to take the dogs a walk along a different nature trail, take more photographs, visit one of the nearby towns to pick up some sweets and gifts and watch another film together. I am hopeful for Sinister! The weather is to remain nice for the next five days so a lot of walks have been planned, my mum is even hoping to get a bit of a tan! I just want to make the most of the woods and the couple of tree swings that are still here after years. I am blogging every day that I am here so please come back for more pictures and chat about what I have been up to here.

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