Wednesday 18 May 2016

Mum's Birthday | 2016

It's been a week since my last exam and it has been so great to not have to think about university. I now have more time to do more things I enjoy - including blogging - and I can get back to even more first aiding. I've been pretty busy this week; it was my mum's birthday, I attended two communions, my brother and I went to a Busted concert and I helped first aid at an Agricultural Show, which I actually quite enjoyed. I'll be uploading posts about all of it within the next week, starting with my mums birthday.

On the morning of my mum's birthday, her and my dad took the dogs a long walk and I made breakfast for everybody. I laid out an entire spread for when she got back. I had wrapped her presents the night before and laid them out on the table, chopped up oranges and melon, made toast and boiled eggs for mum, cereal for my brother and various fry up items for my dad. When my mum got back she was absolutely over the moon.

After the late breakfast, it was present time. My mum already knew she was getting the Complete Gossip Girl box set from my brother and I but she had no idea what else was wrapped up and waiting for her. From me, my mum received a Red Trench Coat from Marks & Spencer's, a Blue and Purple Floral Chiffon Top, Suede Boots with Fringed detailing and a DVD box set containing the original Pilot movie for Little House on the Prairie and the follow up movie to the TV show. The Little House on the Prairie DVD's were hard to track down but all the effort was most definitely worth it for the sheer happiness on my mum's face; it was and still is her favourite show of all time. My brother took her for lunch and to the cinema to see Jungle Book.

Whilst they were out, my dad and I went into town to pick up some goodies for dinner. We also decided to buy mum flowers and a couple of extra things as a surprise for later; including new pyjamas, her favourite sweets, fluffy socks and new hair clips since she broke the others she had. For dinner we decided to cook a buffet type feast with lot's of different things to choose from. There was mini pizza's, spring rolls, mozzarella sticks, tuna pasta, chicken and sweetcorn pasta, grilled halloumi, salad, chicken and different types of bread. It was safe to say that none of us were going to be left hungry that evening!

When my mum got home later that evening, she was delighted to see dinner made and ready for her to dig in. Especially after having such a lovely afternoon with my brother. She loved it all! She loved everything even more so when she realised she had some presents left to open. She said the pyjamas and fluffy socks were perfect, the sweets were not going to last very long and described the clips as practical and needed since she stood on her other ones. Much to my dad's dismay, we all settled to watch a film of my mum's choice with some cocktails and cans of cider. Despite not holding much of an opinion on the chick flick chosen by my mum, my dad stayed and watched the whole film. I though this was very sweet; in fact, I think he actually enjoyed it to an extent too!

My mum described this birthday as one of her best ones to date. It makes me happy that she enjoyed it so much. She has no idea what is coming for when she turns 50 though! I am extremely glad that I could enjoy her birthday with her without having to worry about exams or anything else university related, there certainly wasn't any anxiety in the air that day. The day after my mum's birthday, my brother and I went to see Busted in concert, so keep an eye out for that blog post, it'll be up super soon!

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