Monday 29 February 2016

February Favourites | 2016

I have some beauty favourites this month! Normally my favourites consist of YouTuber's and TV programmes because I spend most of the hours of my day watching them. There is still a TV show and a YouTube favourite (there just has to be!) but there is some skincare and random favourites too so there is a bit more variety this month.


I have five skincare favourites this month thanks to all the breakouts I've been having. This month just hasn't been a good skin month at all, maybe its the cold weather. I guess I am lucky to rarely have breakouts but when I do, they are bad and always on my chin. One product that I do tend to use on a regular basis but have been using a lot more of recently is the Nivea Daily Essentials Gentle Exfoliating Scrub. I have been using this product for well over a year and because my skin is usually quite good, I normally only use it once a week and use other products in between. Lately, I've been using it three times a week to try and clear my skin. I could definitely feel and see a difference pretty quickly; my breakouts calmed down within a week of increasing my usage of the product. I have been pairing the Exfoliating Scrub with the Nivea 2 in 1 Cleansing Toner just to cleanse my skin that little bit more. I've been using the toner on a daily basis in the morning after I wash my face and after I exfoliate with the scrub, it leaves my skin feeling so clean and nourished. At night, I apply a little bit of the T Zone Spot Zapping Gel and I leave it to work on my spots overnight. 

To cover up the breakouts I've been applying the Dr J's Skin Revive Spot Treatment to my skin before my make up to reduce and balance any redness I may have and to keep my breakout area as clean as possible throughout the day. Once I've applied that, it's time to cover those problem areas. I have recently changed my foundation to the Rimmel Match Perfection Light Perfecting Radiance Foundation (the one with the blue lid) and I am never looking back. This foundation is incredible, it doesn't turn cakey or fade throughout the day, it doesn't dry up and it provides a medium to high coverage; what more could you ask for?! I don't feel like I'm wearing any foundation when I have it on, it blends nicely into the skin and it's been doing a great job at hiding my breakouts this month. I will definitely be keeping this foundation around for a good while.


Surprisingly, I only have one TV favourite this month and that is The 100. If you haven't heard of or started watching The 100 then rearrange your priorities and get watching because it is an amazing, gripping show. To me it is like The Walking Dead meets The Hunger Games with a little bit of The Vampire Diaries thrown in there too; hence why I love it. The 100 is a post-apocalyptic drama set 97 years after a nuclear war supposedly killed off Earth's entire population. The show follows a group of teenagers who become the first humans to return to Earth having lived amongst the 2400 other survivors in a space station known as The Ark. When they arrive on Earth they face numerous challenges to survive and soon discover that they were not the only survivors. The 100 grips you from the very first episode and has very strong lead characters that are very likable. I guarantee if you give The 100 a chance, you will not regret it. 


My YouTube favourite this month has without a doubt got to be Ingrid Nilsen. I have been watching her videos constantly. Whether they are new videos or three years old, I've been watching and re-watching them all month long. Ingrid was actually one of the first ever YouTuber's I started watching years and years ago. I just love Ingrid's personality and how honest she is in her videos, she films what she wants and doesn't care what people think and I admire that.


I have three completely random favourites for February which include porridge, P!nk and Pugs. What can I say, I told you they were random. Every single morning I've been having the same breakfast: Oats So Simple Maple and Pecan Porridge and it tastes amazing. It has just the right amount of sweetness and when combined with Coconut and Almond milk, it's mouth watering and perfect to have when it's a cold morning. I would go as far to say that I'd happily live off the stuff. Unfortunately I finished all the packets and have four other boxes of porridge to eat before I can go back to the Maple and Pecan. So, it'll be a while until I have it back in my life.

When I was younger I listened to a lot P!nk. Recently I have found myself listening to her again. Her songs are just so catchy, timeless and remind me of my childhood, so she has made her way into my monthly favourites. The songs I've been listening to mostly are 'Who Knew', 'Funhouse', 'Raise Your Glass', 'Leave me Alone I'm Lonely' and 'Just Like a Pill' (one of my all time favourite songs in general). P!nk songs bring back all the good memories of singing 'Just Like a Pill' constantly on SingStar Party on the PS2 (showing my age) at After-School Care or giggling with my brother at the fact that 'Leave me Alone I'm Lonely' swears and how rebellious we felt singing it.

Pugs. They are adorable little dogs and I would love to have one, two actually, I have it all planned out. Unfortunately I don't think two Labradors and two Pugs would get on very well so I'll make do with Pug pyjamas, Pug bedding, a microwavable Beanie Pug and more. It may be a bit over the top but I don't care because I love it and I think my bedding looks adorable.

Another month done already?! That was quick! I hope you enjoyed reading my February Favourites and maybe I've persuaded you to try a new product or to watch a new show. What have been some of your favourites this month? I'd love to know what you have been loving or even if you have anything exciting planned for next month. March has a couple of exciting things planned for me and they cannot come soon enough, there will be blog posts about all of them so just wait and see what I get up too.

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