Thursday 25 February 2016

Snow, Sun and Getting Closer to Spring

Having frost, hail, snow, rain, and sun all in one day isn't all that unusual for Scottish weather. In fact, it happens pretty often. Normally on one of those days we start off with frost and freezing temperatures. Then we move onto hail and snow, followed by rain and then sunshine. We even had snow in May last year! It's bizarre but it does allow me to capture some pretty good photographs!

As soon as the snow begins to fall, I grab the first opportunity I can to walk my dogs. It's a win, win situation since they absolutely adore the snow and I can take some pretty decent pictures if I do say so myself. My dogs go crazy for the snow, they roll about in it, eat it, accidentally sniff some up their noses (which is hilarious) and they expect me to throw snowball for them to catch. They just don't seem to figure out that when they catch the snowball in their mouth, it melts and disappears. Maybe one day they won't be as shocked when it magically vanishes.

I definitely believe the scenery around me is taken for granted. I have lived in the same place for nearly twenty one years and you forget how pretty and scenic it can actually be, unless the weather highlights it. I can get some really nice photo's by walking around a reservoir two minutes from my house that I have walked around thousands of times. Even something as simple as walking to the top of a nearby hill can provide some beautiful view's of the River Clyde. I definitely do not take these things for granted anymore, especially because of how much I love taking photographs, even more so when they actually turn out good.

 I would like to take advantage of the scenic views that surround me more often, whether that be wandering up one of the nearby hills to catch the sun setting or walking around a bit more when Spring finally arrives. I cannot wait for Spring, all the flowers and trees always look so pretty (even though I do have hay fever). Hopefully Spring comes sooner rather than later so I can take more pictures of all the flowers in bloom and of the sun as it rises and sets and share them with you all. The temperatures outside will still be freezing but at least it will look pretty.

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