Monday 1 February 2016

January Favourites | 2016

The vast majority of January Favourites that I read or watch contain mainly beauty and skincare products with a couple of random favourites thrown in every now and then. With me, well this month at least, it's mainly TV shows and random favourites. What can I say? I watch A LOT of television and YouTube. With saying that, let's jump straight into what I've been absolutely loving this month.


There is one skincare favourite and it is Vaseline's Spray and Go Moisturiser. I am an incredibly lazy person when it comes to my skin, I'm just extremely lucky to have quite salubrious skin, the only problem I tend to get is dryness. Even when it comes to moisturising I usually cannot be bothered and I have the tendency to be rather fussy when it comes to the consistency and texture of a moisturiser. If a moisturiser is too thick or greasy then I'll instantly hate it. Vaseline's Spray and Go is nothing like that at all; it isn't greasy in the slightest and is absorbed into the skin almost instantly, so there is no waiting around before getting ready. You simply spray on the moisturiser and rub it into the skin, it's light and refreshing. This product is the saviour for my dry skin, especially in the colder months and it's only £1.99. 


January 2016 welcomed the return of the 6th season of Pretty Little Liars. This show frustrates the life out of me but at the same time I love it. No matter how many loop holes and confusing story lines it contains, I am kept 100% addicted. If you haven't already started watching Pretty Little Liars firstly, where have you been? And secondly you definitely have to start watching.

The second TV show I have found myself re-addicted to is The Vampire Diaries. I binge watched the first four seasons a couple of years ago and then stopped with the intention of only taking a break from it. Two years later and I have re-watched the first four seasons in just over 3 weeks and I'm not stopping anytime soon! Before I started watching The Vampire Diaries, I was very skeptical. I was convinced I wouldn't like it and it was just another teen vampire storyline like Twilight. If you think the same, give it a try anyways because it is one of my favourite shows despite my original skepticism.

I love documentaries and lifestyle shows, The Biggest Loser being one of them. I am aware of all the various opinions and comments made about The Biggest Loser in the past and at present but I watch it for my own enjoyment and interest only. I recently watched an old series on YouTube and forgot how much I enjoyed viewing people slowly change themselves for the better and discovering themselves for the first time. 

Linking in with The Biggest Loser is Jillian Michaels. She was one of the training coaches on The Biggest Loser but made the decision to leave after seeing the programme turn it's focus onto elements she did not agree with. Since then, she has filmed her own reality television series called Just Jillian and actually allows the public to view the big softy that she really is underneath that extremely tough exterior. She is family-orientated, humorous, down-to-earth and a great mum to her two kids. Despite only two episodes having been aired so far, I love the light-heartedness and casual feel to the show.


This month, to no surprise, I have been absolutely loving The SacconeJoly Family, as usual. Their daily vlogs just make me so happy and content no matter how bad a day I might have had. They definitely deserve more subscribers and viewers than they have and I reckon Emilia should have her own YouTube channel soon, seeing as how keen she is at making her own exceptionally cute videos!


January has been the month of bad weather - from storms and gale force winds to snow and extreme flooding. Being it the middle of winter, it's been freezing constantly so I've been very much appreciative of my Ugg boots and my Black Parka from New Look for keeping me as warm as I could possibly be. For when I opt to stay inside (most of the time), Men's Jogging Bottoms from Primark have been the comfiest and warmest casual clothing option for me and they are only £5!


The last thing I have been loving this month is the juicer I bought in the Boxing Day Sales. I have only tried a few different juices for now but I have loved all of them. So far I have tried Carrot and Apple, Apple, Kale and Beetroot and Pinapple, Kale, Spinach and Carrot. I liked all of these combinations but my mum didn't like any of them, so if you try any of them, let me know what you think. I am keen to try out more juices because they are such a healthy way to start the day or to refuel your body after a workout, plus I'm on a bit of a health mission.

We are already a month into 2016, it feels like New Year was only yesterday! I hope you liked reading about my January Favourites as I definitely enjoy reading them from other bloggers. I also have lot's of exciting posts planned for the up and coming month so keep an eye out for them.


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