Sunday 3 May 2015

April Favourites :)

The first thing that I did when I finished my second year of uni was to catch up on all the TV shows I watch; I may also have started to re-watch some as well. This is the reason that the majority of my favourites this month are television related.

The 100 is a show that my friend Laura introduced me to.The show is an American, post-apocalyptic drama that is set 97 years after a nuclear war wiped out the majority of life on Earth. The only know survivors are surviving in twelve space stations bound together; there are around 2500 people living in this ship. Resources are becoming limited so a decision is made to send the 'criminal delinquents' down to Earth in specially designed pods to see if Earth is habitable. The teenagers arrive on Earth and set up camp only to find out all communication with the other survivors in space have been compromised and also that not all humanity was wiped out because of the nuclear war and that Grounders, Mountain Men and Reapers survived the war. This show is amazing and if you watch The Walking Dead or Under The Dome you will absolutely love this show, the characters are so unique and different but you love them all. There is gore, romance, fighting, adventure and very attractive people, what more do you want in a show?

Okay so a huge volume of the population watch Coronation Street I know and I used to be one of those people until about a year ago when I stopped watching. Recently I started watching again because of leaked rumors of potential storylines and they sounded intense; from 13 years olds giving birth to old characters returning. I do have about a month of episodes lift to catch up with but because I have finished uni, I have a lot more time on my hands to spend relaxing and watching even more tv!

Desperate Housewives is another show that my friend Laura introduced me to a couple of years back and I became completely hooked on the show; watching all eight seasons in six weeks. Recently I managed to convince my mum (finally) how great a show it really was and how I thought she would really like it. She agreed to watch as long as I watched it with her. We have watched two and a half seasons in just over three weeks and I even think she has watched a few more episodes without me because she loves all the characters and storylines that much! I have definitely become re-addicted to Desperate Housewives.

My friend Laura is going to absolutely love this blog post since two of her favourite things ever have been mentioned; Desperate Housewives and now Harry Potter. I have all the Harry Potter books in their original, hardback cover printing but have only read the first four and a half books out of seven. I have been avoiding the last film for two years now until I read the last book. I have even managed to avoid all spoilers! This month I decided to re-read all the books and finally finish the entire series. I have read the first three books this month and I forgot how much I loved the series. Reading the books takes me back to my childhood when I first read the books. I will definitely finish the series once and for all this time.

I have two more April Favourites, including a pair of Jeans and an App. First I will talk about the jeans. I have never and probably will never pay full price for a pair of Topshop jeans because of how expensive they are but this month I managed to get a pair of acid wash leigh jeans for under £10 and I have been wearing them constantly. They have become my new staple, go to jeans. They are so incredibly soft and don't feel like denim at all, they look great with all styles and I definitely understand the huge popularity with the Topshop jeans. 

Vinted is an App similar to eBay and Amazon in the concept that you buy and sell items via the app, except Vinted is purely for clothing and jewellery. I absolutely love this App and have not only been able to sell a few items of my clothing, but also find some incredible bargains for myself. I would recommend this App to anybody and everybody that has too many clothes (which is most girls) because you can sell the unloved clothes from your wardrobe and find some great bargains as well.

I hope you liked reading my April Favourites and that I have possibly interested you in watching The 100 or Desperate Housewives if you have never seen them before because you will definitely have no regrets. I have lot's and lot's of blog post ideas and maybe even a video, so keep an eye out, thanks xxx

1 comment:


    (also I really like the layout of this post very AESTHETICALLY PLEASING congrats)
