Thursday 16 April 2015

Easter Goodies & Lent Update :)

My family isn't religious, so for us, Easter is just a time to spend together and have fun. I am allergic to chocolate so over the last three years my mum has given me some sweets instead, however, this year she decided to do something different.

As kids get older, the anticipation and excitement of Easter fades. When I was younger, my brother and I could barely sleep the night before, knowing that in the morning there would be Easter eggs and an Easter egg hunt waiting for us. We would spend the day visiting family and friends ending the day with a takeaway dinner and watching a movie together. Since my brother turned about fourteen or fifteen (he is seventeen now) we have barely done any of the Easter activities we used too. This year my dad was working away and it would literally have been a case of wake up, see what goodies we where given and get on with our day. I didn't want that to happen this year. I went out and bought my mum a necklace and a giant Ferrero Rocher - as a change from the normal Easter egg - because she never really expects anything special for Easter. On Easter morning I came downstairs to the goodies shown above. My mum had definitely surprised me with Golden Cinnamon & Cherry Pop Tarts, a selection of the cutest, most adorable lollies ever, Haribo gummy sweets, heels from New Look and the outfit consisting of a pair of orange, brown and cream patterned, flowy, chiffon shorts and a cream crop top with subtle floral detailing, both from H&M. When my mum first told me that this Easter she was going to do something different, I told her not to spend much money, as it was only Easter. She has gotten good a the bargain finding because the shoes where £7 and the shorts and top where £5 each. I am very grateful for the gifts my mum purchased and I'm sure she liked the ones I picked for her because the Ferrero Rocher was demolished within a few days and she has worn the necklace on many occasions since. My brother didn't want to do anything the rest of the day so he stayed home whilst a lemon tea and minestrone soup was enjoyed by me and mum at a local cafe. 

I know some people don't understand why I participate in Lent if I am not religious in anyway and I don't mean to offend anybody as I just do it as a personal challenge. The past few years I have found the challenge easy despite giving up a substantial amount of things. This year I decided to give up bread in addition to other items. I have done a previous blog post explaining all about my challenge so if you want to know a little more you should read it. I would love to say that I found this years Lent a challenge, however, I did not. I found it pretty easy which might be surprising to some but I guess everybody is different. Maybe next year I will find something that will challenge me.

Thanks for reading about my Easter and how I got on with my Lent challenge. As I have said before, I am finished university until September now so I can and will be dedicating a lot more time to blogging so please follow my blog xxx

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