Monday 12 January 2015

2015 Goals and Aspirations :)

I know with it being January 12th already that I'm a little late in the game with this post but I haven't broken any so far. Normally I set myself a number of difficult goals in the New Year to achieve and then break them around March time. To avoid that this year I have set myself different types of goals; small, easily achievable goals and then a fairly important, long-term goal that will have to be gradually worked towards. 
My (hopefully) easily achievable goals:
Schedule my life better 
I am generally quite an organised person, but with university, my life easily becomes quite messy, cluttered and de-organised - especially living a two hour bus ride away from university. This year I will plan more in advance, not leave things to the last minute and complete things little by little instead of all at once.
Exercise more and be healthier
Now I know that the majority of people have this as a  'New Years Resolution' but I do eat fairly healthily with only the occasional slip up and attend the university gym. However, sleep is the problem for me because I definitely do not get enough of it. This year I plan to increase my exercise levels by doing more at home, like taking the dogs longer walks or simply going walks or jogs myself. I will eat healthier by not having the occasional slip ups and to feel healthier within myself I aim to get enough sleep (at least 8 hours a night) and at the right times.
Stick to my skin routine
I have the type of skin that becomes dry fairly easily and with having a lot of allergies, my skin is often not in its best form. In the past I tried a variety of different products in an attempt to improve my skin and only found ones I liked near the end of 2014. 2015 will be the year that my skin is at its best with the regular cleansing and nourishment it will be getting.
Read, write and blog more
I love to read and write, when I was younger I used to write numerous short stories and as previously mentioned even won a contest once. In 2014, my reading levels decreased and I didn't write for pleasure very often at all, which is why I made a blog. I had always been interested in blogging, so this year along with setting myself the challenge of reading 30 books this year, I plan to write blog posts at least 6 times a month. This blog will not be one of my 'failed' projects.
Give more 
As mentioned previously, I am a volunteer first aider with St Andrew's First Aid which brings me a great sense of achievement but I do want to give back more. At the end of 2014 I donated a large collection of toys, books, games etc. to Yorkhill Children's Hospital and it made me feel like I had achieved something worthwhile in 2014. I would like to do something similar this year as well, to give back and feel that sense of achievement again.
My (harder to obtain) long-term goal:
To be happier and more confident within myself
I am not a very confident person, I can admit that and because of this I have missed out on opportunities in the past. Even though it is going to be a long and hard process, I want to improve my confidence and become happier this year, despite any obstacles I may be faced with along the way, because at the end of the day, it will be worth it. I want to be able to enjoy things they way they should be enjoyed, to experience new things and to like them, to be happier within myself and not let other people bring me down, I want to be myself and not be scared.

I hope 2015 brings you the all happiness and achievements you hope for xxx

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