Thursday 26 February 2015

My 2015 Lent Challenge :)

I am in no way religious and I don't have anything against people who are religious but I choose to take part in lent to give myself and extra challenge.
I started giving myself this challenge about 4/5 years ago when I decided to try and give up chocolate, crisps, sweets and fizzy juice. I completed this challenge and then decided that each year that followed, I would add on another item to give up. Those items included cake, biscuits, cheese and takeaways. Throughout the years I discovered that I was in fact allergic to chocolate so I could no longer eat it anyways and therefore couldn't count it in my yearly lent challenge. About a year and a half ago I also gave up eating cake for good so I no longer count that within my challenge either.
Over the years, this challenge became easier and easier for me despite giving up more things. However, this year I decided to give myself a real challenge and give up something that is often eaten daily, bread. At first my mum wasn't very keen on me giving up bread as well as everything else but she came round to it once I showed her how easy it was to have meals that didn't contain bread and explained how it was only for a short time. So this year the things I have given up for lent are sweets, fizzy juice, crisps, cheese, takeaway food, biscuits and bread - as I no longer eat chocolate or cake anyways.
So far this challenge has been relatively easy, touch wood! I haven't had any major cravings and haven't felt any hungrier than normal even though I don't expect the rest of the challenge to continue in this way. As lent continues, I do expect this challenge to become a lot harder but I am 100% completely determined to do this and fully believe that I will. I will also do another blog post at the end of lent with an update of how I found the challenge and whether or not I manage to complete it!
I would love to hear all about your 2015 lent challenges and how you are finding them. Keep an eye out for more posts soon xxx

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