Saturday 28 February 2015

All Time Favourites: Tv Shows :)

Tv takes up quite a percentage of my free time and I am not ashamed to admit that. Similar to books, I love to get completely lost and indulged into a different setting, whether that be in Albert Square or in Rosewood. I watch A LOT of television and for me to write about everything I watch would take me forever, so, I have compiled a short list of my all time favourites that I could watch over and over again (some of which I already have).
I have about nine television shows that I could watch constantly on repeat. One of the shows that fall into this category is definitely Law & Order SVU. The show is currently on it's 16th season and I have seen every episode at least three times! I never get fed up with this show no matter how many times I watch the episodes because the storylines are brilliant but quite disturbing at times - perfect for a psychology student!
Criminal Minds is of a similar genre to Law & Order SVU and you never, ever get bored because the storylines are so unpredictable and always keep you on edge. Criminology is an area of psychology that I am interested in and criminology is the basis of this programme. Each serial offender and storyline is so cleverly thought out that doubt about people you know in real life surfaces. The central characters are so incredibly different and unique that it makes it near enough impossible to pick a favourite, you just love them all.
 Pretty Little Liars is currently on it's 5th season and at the very beginning of the show it was more 'teenage drama' storylines but now it is all about the murders and the mystery which makes the show even more gripping. You could come up with twenty different theories to try and solve the Pretty Little Liar A mystery and still not be right because the show is thought out incredibly well.
I first watched Casualty when I was around four or five years old and since then I have not missed a single episode. Growing up I did want to be a paramedic and then emergency medicine doctor which is probably what sparked my interest in the show despite not actually going on to study medicine.
EastEnders is another show that I have watch since early childhood and I can fully admit to becoming quite attached to some of the characters over the years. EastEnders never fails to test the boundaries when it comes to storylines, from baby snatching to murder.
From the ages of 11-15 I was really into horror films which is probably why I started watching The Walking Dead and do I regret it? Definitely not because the show is AMAZING. I introduced my brother to the show as well who was only ten years old at the time and he loved it. Each time a new episode airs we watch it together, which is pretty much the only thing he will do with me now that he is seventeen. The slaughtering of the living dead just makes life better.
A relatively new show that was introduced via Netflix is Orange Is The New Black and I have seen all episodes of the currently released seasons twice. Netflix releases all the episodes of a season at once in June, so once you have binge watched them it's back to the waiting nearly a year to the next season is release. A short description of the show would be lesbians in prison but do not let that put you off watching it because nobody that I have recommended the show to has regretted watching it, even with the explicit content.
A show from my childhood that hasn't lost its appeal is H2O: Just Add Water which is about three girls who live in Australia and stumble across a magical cave that implements a little magic into each of them; as soon as water touches them, they turn into mermaids. I don't care how old I get or how cheesy this show may be, I like it and it's a good show that has a good chance of cheering you up.
Supersize Vs Superskinny is another 'strange' show that I watch constantly, I guess it just appeals to me. I watch a lot of documentaries and I think that's partly why I like it. As a psychology student, there are various things that affect people psychologically as well as physically that particularly interest me. One of those topics is food and I never tire of watching episodes because you pick up on something each time you watch.
Desperate Housewives was introduced to me by my friend Laura and I am so glad I listened to her (she will love that). I finished all eight seasons of the show in six weeks (during exam time) which just shows how good the show was. Each season has a new mystery and has you gripped from start to finish. The show has the right combination of humor, drama, mystery, heartache and highlights the importance of friends and family. The development of the central characters throughout the season is great as well. The only thing I have to fault Desperate Housewives on is that between two seasons there is a five year jump which I am not keen on at all. Despite this, if you haven't watch it then you definitely should.
There you have it, my all time favourite tv shows. Quite diverse in genre I know but I would recommend each show to absolutely anybody and I've had no complaints from people receiving my recommendations so far. Thanks for reading about my all time favourite shows, keep an eye out for more posts soon xxx

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