Sunday 31 July 2016

Evening Walks & Midnight Monopoly

It is supposed to be summer in Scotland at the minute, between the thunder & lightning, torrential rain and then the rare days of the sun splitting the skies, you really wouldn't think. It's a typical Scottish summer! When the sun does decide to make an appearance, the sun cream, sunglasses, t-shirts and shorts are on and out a big, long walk with the dogs we go.

Despite living in the same house for 16 years and walking round the reservoir nearby at least five times a week since then, you never really tire of the scenery; especially when it's sunny. Since I've gotten more into photography, the reservoir has been a very useful place to take photographs. 

I find it so calming to go a walk; especially in the sunshine. My brother has been going out walking a lot more too. Well, I'll rephrase that, my brother has been going out Pokemon hunting a lot more. He is obsessed with the game! I have played a little but I haven't gotten as into Pokemon Go as everybody else has. There is a Pokestop located within the reservoir which I guess is good for if I do get more into the game instead of taking photographs. For now, taking photographs is more my thing, I think I'm improving a little too! 

Much later on in the night, my brother completely surprised me by asking me to play Disney Monopoly with him and his girlfriend. I absolutely LOVE board games, always have done, especially Monopoly. I have been begging him to play any sort of board game with me for years but he has always been too reluctant. I believe Christmas should be spent with family, eating delicious food, watching cheesy movies and playing board games. That is my ideal Christmas but nobody in my family is really fond of board games so I miss out on those. So when Stuart asked me to play Monopoly with him and Louise, I was over the moon! Even though it was midnight. Everybody knows it's a bad idea to start playing Monopoly late but I didn't care and it was Disney Monopoly and Disney makes everything 100x better. I am quite competitive at Monopoly so when my brother started buying up all the properties I usually buy, the challenge was on. I would not be defeated. Fast forward 3 hours and Louise was bankrupt, Stuart owned every single property on the board besides the oranges and the reds, yet I was still winning. Fast forward another 30 minutes and we called it a night, totalled up our money and went to bed. Naturally, I won (if I could insert an emoji here, it would be the sassy girl for sure).

Playing Monopoly with my brother accumulated all the feelings of nostalgia. We always used to play board games as small children, then he discovered X Box and PS4. I am determined that this was not a one off thing, I have Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Golden Balls, Cluedo, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit and Battle Ship and they are all longing to be played. Did you have a favourite board game you loved to play? What is it?

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