Wednesday 18 October 2017


*plays Eminem - Without Me*

309 days. That is a ridiculous time period to have gone without writing a blog post considering I enjoy it so much. I've been saying for months and months that I will blog again...I never have. I have all these ideas and have done absolutely nothing about them!

I used write what I thought other people would like to read and a little of what I wanted to write about. I would stress myself trying to think of ideas other people would like and end up not blogging at all for long periods of time.

Well, that's going to change. 

I have opinions, controversial views, stories to tell, events to go to, a list of idea's to work through and a completely revamped blog. I really have no excuses!

So what's been going on since I last blogged? 

Well, the biggest changes are probably that I have been completely vegan for nearly a year, I successfully attained my 2:1 BSc Psychology degree with honours, went to my graduation ball with my stunning pals and I'm now back in uni working my way through an MSc Forensic Psychology course. Apparently 4 years at university wasn't enough for me. Now, because an MSc isn't enough to keep me busy, I still volunteer with St Andrew's First Aid, work for Ambulance Scotland as a first aider and volunteer with Victim Support. I love all of these jobs! They certainly keep me busy but I get to help people physically and emotionally and spend the majority of my time with one of my besties so what's not to love?

Apart from that I've seen the stage adaptation of The Kite Runner, The Addams Family: The Musical Comedy twice, been to a caravan with my pals, redecorated my room, seen and met dodie (with a lower case d) and bought a lot of stuff I probably didn't need.

Don't worry, there will be exhilarating posts about it all coming soon. 

So what's coming next?

Well, now you mention it, I'm off to see dodie again in a couple of days and I'm finally meeting the SacconeJoly's next month! This has been a long time coming and I'm buzzing! So that's at least another two semi decent posts to look forward to! As I mentioned before, I have a list of post ideas written out. These idea's range from hauls to book/tv/film reviews to food posts and everything else in between! Now, it may be laughable but I want to attempt blogmas again this year! I have been successful once and it will happen again!

Watch this space.