Tuesday 31 March 2015

Update :)

Whoever said the first two years of university is a breeze better be wrong because the amount of coursework I have had over the last month has been insane.

I am a little bit annoyed at myself for not blogging at all during March as I had quite a few posts planned out and I was eager to write them. Unfortunately, I have had quite a lot of tests, coursework, group projects and reports to complete for university and that had to come first. For me, I finish my second trimester of second year studying Psychology in two weeks time, so I will be able to focus a lot more on my blog which I'm excited to be able to do because I love writing and posting.

Another thing that has also been a little bit of a problem and taken up quite a lot of my time and attention is my general health. I have been having migraines again despite not having any in three and a half years (since discovering my allergy to chocolate), I have had random sickness bugs and a few bouts of anxiety as well which isn't too good. I do currently have a bad head cold and a mild throat infection but I feel nearly back to normal - I just hope I don't get ill again anytime soon.

Anyways to make up for the severe lack of blogging in March I plan to kick of April with a bang! My first few posts are going to be a three part haul along with my March Favourites and a Lent Challenge Update, with many more posts to come :)

Keep an eye out for an April full of blog posts :) xxx